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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

withdrawal symptom and dose question during tapering


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I realize that everyone going through this has a different experience however from what I read here on BB some symptoms seems to be felt by the majority !  Some claim the symptoms back off a bit when dose gets lower and lower during tapering . Others say the symptoms intensify as the dose gets smaller.


I am of the latter and whats so frustrating is that I was only on 0.25mgs and been tapering down from that dose for a good 3 weeks and approaching 0.125mgs.  I take the dose at 10 pm and feel almost nothing from it. I fall asleep then wake up around 1 or 2am in WD symptoms usually irritability anxiety. Each and every day I feel worse especially the depression and systemic nervous agitation . All senses in hypermode.


I viewed a u tube video of heather ashton and She says try not to updose  if all possible. I hear some people do not get any relief from updosing !  I want to just stay the course however hope I dont break from this bone crushing fatigue that sleep does not help with .


I can tell You at least for myself a tryptophan suppliment mixed in with hot milk and a little honey does help relieve some of the nightime anxiety however does nothing for the daytime wired feeling.  STill dont know if its my depression that is being hammered of if the depressive symptoms are being caused by the GABA situation.  Your thoughts and suggestions are most welcome.

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