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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Clonazepam taper after 6 weeks use


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I started clonazepam early/mid Novemeber (last month)  I started at 0.5mg twice daily for 1 week then went down to 0.5mg once daily for  1.5-2  weeks. I then started my taper  I cut out a quarter of my pill each week until I got down to 0.125 mg (this was over a total of a 3 week period) today was supposed to be my last dose but several hours after waking up the sheer terror and physical symptoms were too much to handle... So I cut my 0.125 mg in half making it now 0.0625mg    Even tho my doc said stop at 0.125 I feel like maybe I should do a week at 0.0625.  Can someone please give advice from this point?
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Hello Mama415.  Welcome to the forum, we're glad you found us!  It sounds like you started your taper a week or so after you began the medication, and it looks like you'll be off the medication fairly soon.  It's not unusual for symptoms to start up near the end of a taper, and though they may be bothersome for a while, they are temporary and will go away as you heal.  Here are a few links you may find useful:


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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Thank you guys, I know that the symptoms are "normal" but for some reason I get very paranoid that I'll die or something. I don't know what my problem is :(  does anyone think after doing another week at 0.0625 mg that it will be "safe" to jump from there? I'm not doing a cross taper to a different med and my doc won't refill the clonazepam after this.
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Welcome  :)


I am curious as why you began a taper rather than just stopping after the two week period when it was safe to simply just stop at that point. I personally would get off of them as quickly as possible. After short term use it is generally better to attempt an accelerated withdrawal as little to no dependency has developed. In my opinion you have already achieved an accelerated taper. If it was me I would jump today.



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Welcome  :)


I am curious as why you began a taper rather than just stopping after the two week period when it was safe to simply just stop at that point. I personally would get off of them as quickly as possible. After short term use it is generally better to attempt an accelerated withdrawal as little to no dependency has developed. In my opinion you have already achieved an accelerated taper. If it was me I would jump today.



Welcome  :)


My doctor wanted me to take it for 6 weeks hoping that time frame would "knock out my panic attacks"  I thought the quicker I got off of it the easier it would be,  but honestly my first day after my final 0.125 mg dose I felt like I was going to die. I don't know if it's in my head or what but I feel terrified something bad will happen if I stop  but the doc told me at stopping at 0.125 dose I'm out if harm from seizures and such,  I'm just wondering if the jump will be "less painful" coming off an even smaller dose.... :(

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The chance of a seizure is absolutely miniscule. They are very rare and when they occur they are usually seen when stopping a very high dose suddenly. I have so many people here who started for the same reason...panic attacks. No, I don't think it will be any less painful in a week. I think it is just prolonging it. I think it is harder to taper off the longer you are on them. Withdrawal is unpleasant and thoughts that something bad will happen are very common. But as unpleasant as the symptoms are they are just temporary. You know you best. If you don't think you are ready then don't.
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Thank you! I think I am too much in my own head... The physical symptoms were so strong the first day it absolutely terrified me. My doc said "expect to feel like crap for about a week". Maybe I Should just stop tomorrow since my husband will be home with me 4 days in a row. I just get really scared the symptoms won't go away.  Benzos are so good when you need them yet so cruel when trying to get rid of them. 
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Thank you! I think I am too much in my own head... The physical symptoms were so strong the first day it absolutely terrified me. My doc said "expect to feel like crap for about a week". Maybe I Should just stop tomorrow since my husband will be home with me 4 days in a row. I just get really scared the symptoms won't go away.  Benzos are so good when you need them yet so cruel when trying to get rid of them.


That is how I came up with my username 22 days into a horrific cold turkey withdrawal...Benzos-R-cruel.

You are right they are cruel. I think tomorrow would be perfect. You are going to feel like crap, and it is so much easier to feel like crap when you are with someone you love. I would take advantage of the 4 day window with your husband.

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Thank you for your supportive replies, I truly appreciate it!  I know everyone is different in their tapering experiences, and that my doc said I'll feel pretty bad for a week, given my low dosages and somewhat short period of time I was on these , does a week sound right as far as feeling  bad before I heal? Sometimes I feel like doctors don't really know since they aren't going through it themselves :/
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Thank you for your supportive replies, I truly appreciate it!  I know everyone is different in their tapering experiences, and that my doc said I'll feel pretty bad for a week, given my low dosages and somewhat short period of time I was on these , does a week sound right as far as feeling  bad before I heal? Sometimes I feel like doctors don't really know since they aren't going through it themselves :/




I am hoping that your very short term use combined with your low dose taper will minimize your withdrawal symptoms. If you need support anytime during this period we are here for you. Make sure to check out our post withdrawal support board. Good luck.

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