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A message of hope for those who are having a rough Holiday


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I know that this time of the year is so very difficult. Seeing everyone enjoy themselves with abandon when some of you can barely get out of bed. I know the feeling of envy at watching others, not being able to partake, feel present or having to have family and friends see you in such a vulnerable state. ANd certainly not wanting to explain it to them, or maybe not even knowing how to explain it.



Just remember that it will pass. I was physically present for the past 5 Christmases, but I was never fully present. On top of being polydrugged I  suffered through 30 rounds of electric shock treatment, I can't even remember the past 5 Christmases. They were never a time of joy they were a time of feeling sad, depressed and extremely sorry for myself.


But tomorrow I will be present. For the first time in 5 years. And I am grateful. I never thought that would happen. Never. I was convinced I was damaged forever. I was not, and neither are you. It just feels that way. I know you can't feel much joy or optimism right now but you will one day. I promise.


And pat yourself on the back for making it this far because you are one tough assed %$*&&^ ! And you ROCK!


Love Bama.xoxoxoxoxoxoxo




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Thanks, Bama.

I'm in the thick of a bad depression. I just want it to stop. Not sure how it can stop if I'm not treating it. Trying to wait it out. I'm depressed. My dad died 10 days ago and it's Christmas.

I hope this gets better.


Barely hanging on,


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Thank you for your message Bama. It is the gift of hope, which I need more of. It's another hard holiday. Harder than last. Making the best of it I possibly can.


Sorry for the loss of your Dad, peace2. I have had similar losses. My heart is with you. Hold on.




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Thanks, Bama.

I'm in the thick of a bad depression. I just want it to stop. Not sure how it can stop if I'm not treating it. Trying to wait it out. I'm depressed. My dad died 10 days ago and it's Christmas.

I hope this gets better.


Barely hanging on,



I could not treat my severe depression either. I watched the clock a lot, just hoping  for the strength to get through the next minute, hour, day....... But I did it. And so will you. I promise. I experienced the death of a few friends during my w/d and I understand how it makes this path even more difficult.  You are a true warrior. You are holding on because you know deep inside it will get better. Hold on to that hope. And if you need reminding just ask me and I will remind you. Anytime. Just hold on.



One day you will catch yourself laughing at something and you will be so surprised and relieved because you will realize you haven't laughed in years. And it will  be the best feeling you will ever have. You and all of you reading this message............will feel joy and laughter and passion and feelings and love again. I promise. You will be present in your life and enjoy it and not just trying to survive life.


The one unique thing this experience will give you once you heal,  is a gratitude everyday that you wake up and are ok . That you can breath, are present, focused, healthy and have energy will be the most wonderful things in the world and you will be so grateful for those basic simple things that everyone seems to take for granted.. You will appreciate life in a whole new way. It is a precious gift that comes from this horrible disaster of a situation.


You will get there. I promise. I promise. I promise. You are not broken. You have just been interrupted.


Love Bama.xoxo

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Thanks, Bama.

I'm in the thick of a bad depression. I just want it to stop. Not sure how it can stop if I'm not treating it. Trying to wait it out. I'm depressed. My dad died 10 days ago and it's Christmas.

I hope this gets better.


Barely hanging on,





I could not treat my severe depression either. I watched the clock a lot, just hoping  for the strength to get through the next minute, hour, day....... But I did it. And so will you. I promise. I experienced the death of a few friends during my w/d and I understand how it makes this path even more difficult.  You are a true warrior. You are holding on because you know deep inside it will get better. Hold on to that hope. And if you need reminding just ask me and I will remind you. Anytime. Just hold on.


After reading your post bama it took me back to the days where I use to wish time away. The first thing I would when I woke up I would look at the clock.  I would usually have about 18 hours a day to wish away. Those days thankfully are gone and I "did it", too!



One day you will catch yourself laughing at something and you will be so surprised and relieved because you will realize you haven't laughed in years. And it will  be the best feeling you will ever have. You and all of you reading this message............will feel joy and laughter and passion and feelings and love again. I promise. You will be present in your life and enjoy it and not just trying to survive life.


The one unique thing this experience will give you once you heal,  is a gratitude everyday that you wake up and are ok . That you can breath, are present, focused, healthy and have energy will be the most wonderful things in the world and you will be so grateful for those basic simple things that everyone seems to take for granted.. You will appreciate life in a whole new way. It is a precious gift that comes from this horrible disaster of a situation.


You will get there. I promise. I promise. I promise. You are not broken. You have just been interrupted.


Love Bama.xoxo

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Thank you so very much for this post Barma. I really needed to read this today. It has helped me a great deal as I am struggling. It gives me Hope.


Peace2  I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. Take care of yourself at this very difficult time.

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Bama, Thank you! Your post is great!

Peace, I am so sorry for the lost of your Dad. When someone we love dies is like life has stopped for us too. But again you need to think that your Dad would wish you to embrace life. It sounds difficult I know, but try to find support also from the members of your family, and here we are as well!


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Peace2 sorry to hear about Your Dad , I know what its like to lose family members especially around the holidays. Holidays are a tough time of the year however when going through withdrawal and then losing a family member just adds to the pain.


My late GrandFather use to say ever notice how slow time passes when Your in pain especially emotional pain and yet it fly's by when We are happy. Bama I m glad We have You in Our corner , Your words are well spoken ! Life can be a challenge yet somehow We manage to continue on !

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