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Traveling while tapering


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I am planning to drive with my husband from Saskatchewan to Florida, leaving right after Christmas.  I used to love driving through the states but am wondering how I will handle long days and hotels, with my husband snoring.  I am tapering very slowly but am wondering if I should hold for the next while and while traveling.  Have Christmas Eve meal here today, Christmas Day meal at my daughter's inlaws and then here again on Boxing Day and then leaving for the trip the next day or the day after.  I am already a nervous wreck and not sleeping too great.  Probably a lot of stress while trying to get off K.

Hope everyone is able to enjoy the holidays, at least a bit.  I personally find them very stressful.  Grinch, it sounds like your cuts are really catching up on you.  Hope you start feeling better.  Maybe you will have to slow down or lower your cuts.  I can totally relate to the upset stomach and lack of appetite.  I have it almost all the time, along with unrelenting anxiety.  I don't have all the physical pain you have though, just the mental stuff.  Praying for you. :smitten: :smitten:

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Many on these boards, including moderators urgd me to hold while on vacation.  Definitely hold.....holding doesn't mean you will not have sxs but continuing to taper will almost guarantee them in my limited experience.


I posted a note about it (for myself) but so far have not heard back from anyone....


Do what will make you the most comfortable.


Holidays are stressful for everyone....but particularly if you are facing the challenges of tapering off a Benzo!


Hope you have a good trip.  Ours has been lovely....with a few exceptions as noted in my post that have made me wonder about the process period.


Sounds like you are making headway...but remember...go slow and heal.  Current life is important too.  :smitten:




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Thanks, guys.  I just got a new suspension yesterday and it's only good for 60 days so I will have to get another one sent to me while down there unless I manage to get completely off by the end of Feb.  probably not a good idea while away.  I won't be back until almost the end of April, in time to do the income taxes.  So, I will have to get another supply.  My daughter and husband and son are planning to come in Feb on the school break so they could probably bring it.  What a pain.  Now, it would be easier if I was dry cutting.  At least, the pills wouldn't expire on me.  The suspension is just so easy for me.  I don't have to do anything except take my dose once a day.  I wonder how the suspension suddenly loses its potency after 60 days?  Makes me wonder if it is losing potency before that or just starts after the 60 days.  Just more thins for an anxious person to worry about. :o
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I too am traveling, to Florida.  Flying down on December 26.


I will not cut until I return home.  I'm only down there for 5 nights.


Going to Disney World.


I'm a bit nervous about traveling, but think it will be ok.


All the best to you.  :thumbsup:

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Thanks, Disney.  We will be going to Disney world when my daughter and husband and grandson come.  I don't know how long I will last there.  My grandson is very excited about it.  I hope you have a great time. :)
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Thanks, Disney.  We will be going to Disney world when my daughter and husband and grandson come.  I don't know how long I will last there.  My grandson is very excited about it.  I hope you have a great time. :)


You have fun at Disney World too!  :thumbsup:

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I made it through Christmas Eve but feel so exhausted and overwhelmed I don't know how I will make it through today and tomorrow, never mind traveling.  To make it worse, I think it's just me and not the tapering. :'(
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Hi Flicka! I am sure you are going to have a very nice time during your travelling! I am so sorry you are not feeling well, but travelling for holidays always help.  :)
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Hey Clna,

Just curious...in your signature you mentioned discovering the Ashton manual but your cuts describe tapering from rather low doses, not the full 2 mg clonazepam you were on.  Have you tapered from clonazepam or di you cross over to Valium?  And in either case..what process did you use to get to where you are now?



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Hi My Mana!

I am tapering Clonazepam, Rivotril, I went from 2 to 1 mg in just 13 days in September!, :D then I found BBs and the Ashton manual and started a proper Taper from 1 mg, decreasing 0.0625 mg each time. Now 0.0625 is just too much for me and yesterday I started daily microtaper, it Wii take much longer, about 6 months, but I need to function at work.

I do not want to switch to valium...no more Benzos for me! :)

Wish you te best!!!


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Thank you SO much Clona!!!  Now I understand what happened.  :D  so funny...well at least you have a sense of humor about it!!  Amazing.  So, the .0625 is what I'm thinking too...one more question, if you are still awake ;), how long did you hold each .0625 taper?  I know this is an instinctive thing and what may be OK for you may not for someone else.  I like the idea that you direct tapered of Clonaz -- my doctor thinks that is the best as well, but going as slowly as necessary.  When I get lower we are going to have the doses below .0625 compounded at a pharmacy that does such things.


Many thanks - your post is particularly helpful right now.  Love that you are working full time -- good for you!! And work with its own stresses catches you up and distracts you from your "issues"...  at least that's how I remember it ;)  I plan to take up cooking in a serious way this coming year... the main character in my novel dreams of doing something with cooking - that and falling in love again... so maybe now it's time for the writer to do the same.  Inspired by the bad and expensive food on our trip, the great food of France and Italy during our travels this past summer and my small library of cookbooks!  Oh -- and the film "The 100 Step Journey" which we watched on the plane on our way home.  The benefits of cooking are many:  speedy gratification (within one day!), quite involving with recipes, planning, shopping, prepping and actually doing it.  A creative outlet for my poor brain which cannot think to write another book or even read one right now.  Sad but true.  I am giving myself permission to do something completely different...while I get through this taper process....I hope I have the strength to do both...


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Thank you SO much Clona!!!  Now I understand what happened.  :D  so funny...well at least you have a sense of humor about it!!  Amazing.  So, the .0625 is what I'm thinking too...one more question, if you are still awake ;), how long did you hold each .0625 taper?  I know this is an instinctive thing and what may be OK for you may not for someone else.  I like the idea that you direct tapered of Clonaz -- my doctor thinks that is the best as well, but going as slowly as necessary.  When I get lower we are going to have the doses below .0625 compounded at a pharmacy that does such things.


Many thanks - your post is particularly helpful right now.  Love that you are working full time -- good for you!! And work with its own stresses catches you up and distracts you from your "issues"...  at least that's how I remember it ;)  I plan to take up cooking in a serious way this coming year... the main character in my novel dreams of doing something with cooking - that and falling in love again... so maybe now it's time for the writer to do the same.  Inspired by the bad and expensive food on our trip, the great food of France and Italy during our travels this past summer and my small library of cookbooks!  Oh -- and the film "The 100 Step Journey" which we watched on the plane on our way home.  The benefits of cooking are many:  speedy gratification (within one day!), quite involving with recipes, planning, shopping, prepping and actually doing it.  A creative outlet for my poor brain which cannot think to write another book or even read one right now.  Sad but true.  I am giving myself permission to do something completely different...while I get through this taper process....I hope I have the strength to do both...



Mana! You are a writer! What wonderful! Your post is great! I would Love to read your books!!! :)

I will certainly look for the movie you mention. Yes, cooking is going to help you a lot!

I was holding for around 13 days, with some holdings. I was doing considerably well at the begining, but I had a horrible period from the 12th of November to the 22nd of this month, that is why I am switching to microtaper, (to decrease daily a very tiny quantity each night) you may consider this plan as well...I will let you know for sure If it works for me.

I wish you all the best! :smitten:


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Sorry!  Only just now did I read in your signature your drop from 2 to 1 mg and on down...told you I couldn't read well these days!!!  ;)


Hi Mana, again me, work does help me a lot! It is very difficult sometimes, but once working hard, I almost forget my symptoms! As I said before, cooking is going to help you a lot...but you may also consider writing another novel, I figure that, by doing this, you are going to be your main character, so you may forget your all symptoms!!! :)

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Mana, "The 100 food journey" ...I just googled it, starring Helen Mirren...my favourite actress! :smitten:




You are a walkie talkie today!


Yes Bets! My anxiety was very high! So I needed BBs!...It started to calm down!...but I did manage to spend nice time with my nephew while feeling so bad. I think distraction helps a lot!!!

Very proud of myself! I managed to enter in a middle size shop!  ;)

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