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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

On Clonazepam after pregabalin withdrawal


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Hi, I ended up on .5mg (500mcg) a night of clonazepam after an awful pregabalin withdrawal. I have been on clonazepam once a night for about 6 weeks and plan to start tapering in January, and I am quite simply terrified.
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Hi Mrs. Journey  :) Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


After short-term use, it is generally better to aim to get off as soon as possible, as dependency develops with extended use. Most people have developed little dependency after 8 weeks of use, though a small number of people do have problems quitting by this stage.  After short-term use, it is generally better to attempt an accelerated withdrawal schedule. If you stay on them much longer you risk having to do a slow taper. I personally would not wait until January. I would begin today.



You might like to check out The Ashton Manual it is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms.


Please feel free to post to any of the dedicated boards, we have a wonderful community of people here, who will give sound advice. Members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal and are more than willing to share their experiences.


Withdrawal Support (during your taper)



Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again Welcome!  :smitten:




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Thank you. Unfortunately I cannot start today as I don't see my Dr until January and he didn't want me to start until after Christmas anyway. I am planning to switch over to Valium. Pregabalin withdrawal nearly took my life from me. I tapered over 4 weeks, then entered severe withdrawal, went back on half starting dose and was in complete withdrawal hell and never ever stabilised which is why I am so terrified of a fast taper.I'm still not recovered from the pregabalin withdrawal, my muscles are still randomly twitching and I have a facial twitch still. Do other people on here do a long taper after only being on clonazepam 8 weeks? I was planning to follow Ashton manual which is a slow taper. I guess I feel that my gaba receptors still haven't healed from pregabalin so it's almost as if I have been on a benzo much longer as pregabalin is so similar in many respects xxx
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Personally I would be more terrified of a slow lengthy taper. You will end up on them for so much longer than your current use. You may want to read the Ashton Manual to see what she has to say about short time use. You may change your mind about a long slow taper.
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Thank you. Unfortunately I cannot start today as I don't see my Dr until January and he didn't want me to start until after Christmas anyway. I am planning to switch over to Valium. Pregabalin withdrawal nearly took my life from me. I tapered over 4 weeks, then entered severe withdrawal, went back on half starting dose and was in complete withdrawal hell and never ever stabilised which is why I am so terrified of a fast taper.I'm still not recovered from the pregabalin withdrawal, my muscles are still randomly twitching and I have a facial twitch still. Do other people on here do a long taper after only being on clonazepam 8 weeks? I was planning to follow Ashton manual which is a slow taper. I guess I feel that my gaba receptors still haven't healed from pregabalin so it's almost as if I have been on a benzo much longer as pregabalin is so similar in many respects xxx


Hello Mrs J.  Sorry to hear your story.  How long were you on pregabalin for?





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Hi Benzos-r-cruel. I feel like I am already physically dependent on them, I can feel the change in my whole body if that makes sense. Is 8 weeks considered short term? I must read the Ashton manual again, I was under the impression she recommended a slow taper to everybody once they had been on them a few months. Have I got it wrong? The psychiatrist I saw recommended stabilising on valium and then gradually tapering off, the trouble is I have no idea at all how fast or slow to go as I went into huge protracted withdrawal with pregablin, no withdrawal during the four week taper, just hit me 4 days after and then was in hell from June to November. At one of my worst points I slept 7 hours in one week and starting hitting myself and was almost delirious. Eventually I ended up in a psychiatric unit last month after months of not sleeping at all or getting 1-2 hours a night, plus nearly every single withdrawal symptom there is apart from seizure. What would be considered an accelerated taper? I have to be extra careful as I have tachycardia anyway, POTS, and bladder problems. The sad thing is clonazepam helps with these.

I hate not knowing what to do, or the unpredictability of it all. If I knew I'd be ok with a rapid taper I'd do it. I suppose everyone says that. But I almost feel like this 8 weeks on clonazepam is just an extension of the pregabalin withdrawal if that makes sense?


Hi Braban, I was on pregabalin from January until May. xxxx

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