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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

new member crittersteve


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Hi there and welcome to BB!



That is wonderful, I wish there were more healthcare workers like you out there! A great place to start would be to read through The Ashton Manual This is a wonderful resource written by Dr Heather Ashton, who is an expert in the field of Benzo Withdrawal. Here you can learn about all the ins and outs of Benzodiazepine withdrawal.  The recommended taper rate is 5-10% every 7-14 days , however this is just a guideline. Some find they can make bigger or smaller cuts or taper faster or  slower.  remember, there are no hard and fast rules in withdrawal, people are  unique and so is their withdrawal, what one person may experience another may not.  It is all trial and error. There is no right or wrong way to do this.


  The goal during and after  withdrawal will be to stabilize and manage  symptoms as best as possible in order to make them bearable. A common misconception is that stabilizing means the absence of symptoms  before another reduction is made, it does not. Stabilizing means symptoms are tolerable enough to make another cut. 


Once again it is great to have you aboard. Please check you Messages section here as I have sent you a private message.






Again, welcome! AlabamaWerle. xo

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Glad your interested in helping people with this journey. I would say benzos are the worst no doubt but corticosteroids put me on them. Corticosteriods are very dangerous drugs that have a Russian roulette type of action. You may be fine on them in the past but that does not mean future use will be ok. Lots of drugs need to be examined more. Glad your here.



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Yes. What a generous and professional thing you are doing, crittersteve !



I appreciate your reminder about the simple and no nonsense approach to tapering.  Sometimes it is so hard to hear all the difficult stories...it is reassuring to read again the safe and time-tested way to do this....not saying that it will be pleasant but that it can be done.  Please, if you can, read my post in "support during withdrawal" (I think it's on that forum) about feeling like giving up, partially due to fears about what is to come....if you can PM me, so much the better. I believe the subject line was - something like: holding for one month - waves and windows.


Many thanks,


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