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Feel like nervous system plugged into electric socket


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Every single day My nervous system sensitivity gets worse. I still cant figure out if its the WD or the underlying depression that is being hammered by the clonazepam. Even when I do get some sleep my body never ever feels refreshed , more body aches each day along with irritability anxiety.  Tried tryptophan with warm milk at night , helps a little however their is rebound with everything. 


I have been doing  dry taper and been suggested to go over to a water taper however if its My depression that is adding these symptoms the taper method will have no effect either way. I really do feel totally hopeless.

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I understand the electrical charges jolting your body. Actually, I first felt them in my legs when I started 60mg of Cymbalta (I should have been given 30mg to start, then worked up to 60mg. Quite alarming. It must be our nerves. I've heard they function in an electrical way.

Melatonin is a natural way to help myself sleep, at least for 3-5 hours, than I can take another one. I notice zero side effects, but that's just me.

wishing you peace,


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Your CNS is firing too readily.  It's really horrible.  I found very little helped but magnesium glycinate did help a bit.  I used to take 200mg at a go, 3 or 4 times a day.




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The brain does have electrical signals firing throughout. Try balancing your electrolytes. Get more potassium (banana's, potatoe's), minimize salt and get some magnesium and calcium in there as well.


People tend to be way to high in salt and way to low in potassium and magnesium.


I sometimes feel like I'm switched 'ON', I'm wide awake and aware yet my face looks like it needs about 48hrs of sleep. (bags under my eyes, red eyes, swelling around the face). Probably to much salt.

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I use magnesium too. It's a metal, I guess it works with the electricity in a helpful, calming way. Magnesium is in Epsom Salts too! So taking a bath with them is relaxing; ten minutes is all you need to get the benefits. Too much magnesium can cause 'loose stools' so don't be alarmed, just cut back...
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I added the magnesium however maybe Im not taking enough only 200 MG tablet. I noticed that tryptophan blended in with warm milk and honey takes the edge of the irritability , at least it works for Me however it does not calm down that wired feeling throughout My nervous system.


I only felt this way one other time when I lost a week of sleep believe it or not. When I started to sleep again the feeling diminished. The neurologist says this feeling is because My nervous system is in hyperfaze due to the drug withdrawal and the depression is not helping. I honestly dont know what Im going to do however I dont want to end up back a the psych hospital. Ever been in a locked physh ward its not picnic. I was there for insomnia and depression, they did little for either one.

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