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Getting weird memories I'd long forgotten


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Wow I'll just be sitting here and get a picture perfect memory that I had long forgotten. It's gone as fast as it comes but really clear. Anyone else?
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Uhm...I can't remember...? :laugh:

Yeah, I'll get flashes of past that are like crystal tinkling, but nothing's there...if you understand that, then two of us are pretty scary folks! :idiot:

Don't know how that figures in to w/d, but I'll bet someone out there can give us a GABA GABA DO sign with neat arrows and letters in weird places showing us how anything is possible in the benzo world. Shoot, I already know that". I know with the hypersensitivity thing, that smell is still the deepest memory kicker, so maybe something you were reacting to was an odor-spurred memory?

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This past week I had some names of people from a past work situation when I was in my 20s that popped into my head out of the blue. I have no idea why!
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I found my old Nintendo in the basement last week and when I saw it, I was instantly transported back to my childhood. I could actually feel the excitement I felt as a child when I opened up that gift at Christmas. Very strange yet kind of cool.
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