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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

When you jumped off after tapering down.


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For me it was a continuation of tapering.  A very loooong continuation of the same crap.  I think the way you feel at the end is the way you continue to feel for a very long time.


Emotionally it was great to finally have the taper done and over with and to know the drug was gone and that each day it was only possible to improve.

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It felt great to finally be finished my taper. There was no actual "withdrawal" because I had done a daily symptom based taper, but there were still some side effects on and off. Now that I'm almost 5 months off, I feel I'm pretty close to being 100%.
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I am going at your same pace.  Was on Xanax .25 for a month but had to start at 8mg valium for some reason.  Doing 1mg a week based on symptoms.  Starting 6mg tomorrow.  Was stable at 7mg for 7 days.  Just the usual nausea symptoms but my body hates valium.

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Good luck Arcade keep me posted on how you go. Valium isnt as fun as xanax but its good you dont like it, it will make it that much easier to come off.
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How long have you been on the 4mg?  You might want to wait at least 10 days.  It seems like you're moving too fast. 


I am going from 7 to 6.5 tomorrow and terrified.  Deciding to go slow and might even do the daily taper.    Always looking for support.

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Arcade im dropping 1mg every 10 days and so far so good, i wish i could do it faster believe me, but with benzos patience is the name of the game. Dont worry you will be fine i too was scared at the start but you get more confidence with time as long as you keep moving forward.
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