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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Do symptoms get worse after acute withdrawal


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Hi everyone,

Generally speaking, month 1-2 are the worst?

if I'm on day 18, is it unlikely that I will feel worse then I already have? I know things come in waves but for the past two days I have felt a little bit better- I'm just worried that I'm going to be hit with something more extreme then before. With my withdrawal last time, I can remember I didn't get any good days for months and felt way more fried. Still has been a pretty horrific 16 days though.

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Hi everyone,

Generally speaking, month 1-2 are the worst?

if I'm on day 18, is it unlikely that I will feel worse then I already have? I know things come in waves but for the past two days I have felt a little bit better- I'm just worried that I'm going to be hit with something more extreme then before. With my withdrawal last time, I can remember I didn't get any good days for months and felt way more fried. Still has been a pretty horrific 16 days though.


Hi, congratulations on being benzo-free!  At 18 days off you're still in early acute withdrawal, so yes, it's possible that new symptoms will appear.  If you accept that possibility and distract yourself from thinking about it, it will be easier for you.  Self-distraction is key, and it soon becomes a habit.  Just use whatever gets your mind off withdrawal, even for a short while, and when that stops working, move on to another distraction.  This was what helped me most during acute withdrawal.


Hopefully, you'll start feeling better soon!



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I am 10 weeks free. The first 3-4 weeks were horrific for me. New symptoms emerged and it was rough. I have had a few waves but mostly windows. However, I know that post w/d takes between 1-2 years to fully recover depending on the individual. So I am prepared for more waves. Hang in there, I know it is so disheartening to think that it isn't over once we stop the drug......but alas our brains need to repair themselves now. Hang in there! You are doing great!! It just takes time.



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I was excited to make the sixty day mark and thought the worst was behind me.  I got walloped around month three. It really devastated me mentally until I learned to go with the process.  I go in and out of waves but I don't know if the are worse or better than early on but my ability to handle them is much better.  Also, my periods of calm and feeling okay are longer. My advice to you is just take each day as it comes and it is what it is.  Congrats!
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Yeah it'll get better.


First 6 weeks – 2 months are usually the worst. I had rapid improvement from 3 - 5. Now I'm at 7 months off and feeling about 95% back to normal with the occasional wave hitting me for a few hours.

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I was excited to make the sixty day mark and thought the worst was behind me.  I got walloped around month three. It really devastated me mentally until I learned to go with the process.  I go in and out of waves but I don't know if the are worse or better than early on but my ability to handle them is much better.  Also, my periods of calm and feeling okay are longer. My advice to you is just take each day as it comes and it is what it is.  Congrats!


This exactly. Don't be shocked if you start feeling better and then have a set back. It's typical with w/d from Benzos. As long as  you are aware of that, it should make it easier when it does happen. At least you are now over the hump of being off this stuff and can start the real healing.

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