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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Should I increase my dose?


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Hello...new member here...


My rapid taper from 2mg Klonopin to 0.25 in one month proved way too fast so I've decided to stay at 0.25 and do a slow taper after my symptoms have stabilized.I have been on 0.25 mg for 10 days. I'm not exactly 911 material (yet..), but I have symptoms that are definitely interfering with my daily life: memory loss and concentration problems, night sweats, mood swings, heart palpitations and cold hands/feet.


Here's my dilemma: I can't afford to have an extended period disability right now, so I've been considering a dose increase to stabilize myself. I've also read a lot of bad things about dose increases while tapering, and I'm pretty scared of the possibility that an increase will only make me worse. Anyone here with relevant or similar experience?

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Updosing is of course your call.  It's important to be functional, especially if you work or have a family to care for.  Often people find that a small increase in dose doesn't help however.  Here's a bit about updosing that I have in my notes.  I believe it was written by Colin and can also be found on the forum:


Reinstatement, updosing


A dilemma faced by some people in the process of benzodiazepine withdrawal, or after withdrawal, is what to do if they have intolerable symptoms which do not lessen after many weeks. If they are still taking benzodiazepines, should they increase the dose? If they have already withdrawn, should they reinstate benzodiazepines and start the withdrawal process again? This is a difficult situation which, like all benzodiazepine problems, depends to some degree on the circumstances and the individual, and there are no hard and fast rules.


Reinstatement after withdrawal? Many benzodiazepine users who find themselves in this position have withdrawn too quickly; some have undergone 'cold turkey'. They think that if they go back on benzodiazepines and start over again on a slower schedule they will be more successful. Unfortunately, things are not so simple. For reasons that are not clear, (but perhaps because the original experience of withdrawal has already sensitised the nervous system and heightened the level of anxiety) the original benzodiazepine dose often does not work the second time round. Some may find that only a higher dose partially alleviates their symptoms, and then they still have to go through a long withdrawal process again, which again may not be symptom-free.


Updosing during withdrawal? Some people hit a "sticky patch" during the course of benzodiazepine withdrawal. In many cases, staying on the same dose for a longer period (not more than a few weeks) before resuming the withdrawal schedule allows them to overcome this obstacle. However, increasing the dose until a longed-for plateau of 'stability' arrives is not a good strategy. The truth is that one never 'stabilises' on a given dose of benzodiazepine. The dose may be stable but withdrawal symptoms are not. It is better to grit one's teeth and continue the withdrawal. True recovery cannot really start until the drug is out of the system.


Pharmacologically, neither reinstating nor updosing is really rational. If withdrawal symptoms are still present, it means that the GABA/benzodiazepine receptors have not fully recovered (see above). Further benzodiazepines cause further down-regulation, strengthen the dependence, prolong withdrawal, delay recovery and may lead to protracted symptoms. In general, the longer the person remains on benzodiazepines the more difficult it is to withdraw. On the whole, anyone who remained benzodiazepine-free, or has remained on the same dose, for a number of weeks or months would be ill-advised to start again or to increase dosage. It would be better to devote the brain to solving individual symptoms and to finding sources of advice and support. Advice about how to deal with individual symptoms is given in the Manual (Chapter 3).


Challis  :smitten:

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Hi Toxobrain,

As you can see in my signature I have updosed once, on the 15th this month with the aim of feeling better. It Did not help at all. By the contrary, I felt worse.

But we are all different. Updosing a bit May be good for you. In any case, You will feel better after a while. Then be kind to yourself and hold for few days.


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There's nothing wrong with updosing if you feel you've tapered to fast.  You could try adding a wee bit to start, to see if that helps you, and then take it from there.



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