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Diarrhea and stuff..


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Hey, so about 2 weeks ago I started having this pressure feeling in left stomach and 1.5 weeks ago I got very constipated until yesterday when I had diarrhea and today it's even worse.. went to doctor and all that stuff.. all blood work is normal. I have excess amounts of mucus in stool (heard its normal when having diarrhea) Then I began to worry about bowel cancer and all kinds of bad stuff and did all the googling and got all panicky and my stomach is even worse because of that.. been having some nerve pains too, maybe my stomach reacted from the panic from it.

Well now it gets even better cause some % of the K is not absorbed I guess when having bad diarrhea.. not feeling too good about this all..

anyone have any insight about the whole diarrhea+mucus stuff ?

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I recall that my stool was loose for a couple of weeks after I jumped.  And looking back (I tracked all this stuff), I see two bad GI days during the first couple of weeks.  I was losing a lot of weight back then too.  Your symptoms don't surprise me.  Always good to get things checked out, but I think you can now attribute the problem to withdrawal.
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Diarrhea is a very common symptom in w/d. I get it so often, I just want to scream. Ur lucky ur just getting it at the end of ur taper. Very conservative taper by the way.
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