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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Inter-doses, spreading out


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Hi  :)


I've opted for the slowly but surely direct taper plan from 4mg Clonazepam - for now at least I'm doing this in dry cuts.


It's my 10th day; I started with a 6.75% cut and held for 7 days - as symptoms were highly bearable I decided to cut by 0.125mg which is hardly 3% of the dose I held. And I'm thinking of going slow, cutting 0.125mg when I feel I can, if possible, every 7 days, if I can.


However I am currently taking my K in 2 doses, mid-day and bed-time.

My problem initially was with day-time drowsiness so I'm cutting off from my midday dose.


But I'm wondering what my options will be as I decrease, I wouldn't like to put myself in a stupid situation with inter-dose wd. And taking 2mg at night and nothing during the day sounds preposterous (I suppose the plasma concentration peak would be a total no no in the context of a withdrawal!!!!)


Can anyone tell me about their experiences/theories with balancing out intakes?



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I have no personal experience with tapering. I got off benzodiazepines the wrong way, and that was by stopping abruptly. However, I do know that it is very important to be consistent with your doses as you taper. It should be taken at the same time every day. You should follow your taper as precisely as you can and do not take as a PRN.
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I have no personal experience with tapering. I got off benzodiazepines the wrong way, and that was by stopping abruptly. However, I do know that it is very important to be consistent with your doses as you taper. It should be taken at the same time every day. You should follow your taper as precisely as you can and do not take as a PRN.


Thank you BRC for the word of advice - I actually realised I have been pushing my midday dose in time in order to feel more alert... I didn't realise time consistency was so important but it makes sense in a successful taper.


I have a dr appointment tomorrow, sadly he doesn't seem to know much about the topic... I'll try to get some answers though!


Thanks again for that  :):thumbsup:

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Assuming a 36-hour half-life for k...  You are currently experiencing a (roughly) 19% variation in your dose throughout the course of the day.  If you switch to a single dose, you basically double that (to around 36% variation over the course of a day).


Will you (personally) feel the difference?  Nobody knows.

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Hi  :)


I've opted for the slowly but surely direct taper plan from 4mg Clonazepam - for now at least I'm doing this in dry cuts.


It's my 10th day; I started with a 6.75% cut and held for 7 days - as symptoms were highly bearable I decided to cut by 0.125mg which is hardly 3% of the dose I held. And I'm thinking of going slow, cutting 0.125mg when I feel I can, if possible, every 7 days, if I can.


However I am currently taking my K in 2 doses, mid-day and bed-time.

My problem initially was with day-time drowsiness so I'm cutting off from my midday dose.


But I'm wondering what my options will be as I decrease, I wouldn't like to put myself in a stupid situation with inter-dose wd. And taking 2mg at night and nothing during the day sounds preposterous (I suppose the plasma concentration peak would be a total no no in the context of a withdrawal!!!!)


Can anyone tell me about their experiences/theories with balancing out intakes?




If it were me I'd balance it out by dosing half every 12 hours.  So I'd make it a morning and evening dose.  And I'd make them equal.


The thing that signals the brain to upregulate is a shortage of benzo.  IMO it is important to send the brain a consistent message that upregulation is needed.  This is done by keeping blood levels very even.  IMO blood levels that go up and down and vary too much could work against you as well as cause interdose symptoms.

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Hi Julz, just my experience. Almost the whole last week I experienced interdose withdrawal. I take my dose at 7 PM, well, from 6:15 to 7  I was in hell, never before I craved for my dose.  :DThe time of this hyper-anxiety period started to decrease with days, by friday it lasted just 10 min for example. Today I arrived at 7 with no anxiety at all. I am having a nice window though.


This journey for me is so unpredictable that I really do not know what I am going to be feeling the next Day, the next hour.

Due to this I cannot give you an advise, but for sure I will try to be supportive in what you decide is best for you.


I wish I know my my own road, and I do keep a diary of sx and times and dates...my diary shows no logic, no trends, but a total mess :laugh:







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Thank you for all your great insights!


I currently take the lower dose between 1 and 2 pm - then the second is usually around 10pm because I'm so exhausted I need to get to bed!... so that doesn't sound great: 8hrs-16hrs, it explains why I get fidgety before I'm due my midday dose!!


I will try to get some answers from my doctor today... if he has any.

But also believe that I with K, I can't just make a drastic change from a day to another, it might have to be gradual (?)


My first problem is the drug's effect on my daily-life: the drowsiness.

I am probably making a simplistic assumption when saying the culprit is my midday dose.


At this point, I have no real wd problem (just mild weakness/pains I've noticed, sleep paralysis happened day 3 after just 6.25% cut but 8 years at least on the drug).


I suppose getting my midday dose reset towards noon would be a start!!

Yep there is an 18,75% difference between the two current doses...


I hope my GP has some insightful things to say (wishful thinking) but what I really want for Christmas is a referral to a good pdoc who will help me make sense of it!!!  ;)


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