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Sleeping makes me feel gross...


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Mornings I feel gross after sleeping all night...


A short nap in the evening brings about the same gross feelings as morning does.


What is it about sleep that makes us feel worse?  Sleep is supposed to be your friend!

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I suffer from the same problem. No matter how much sleep I get I wake up feeling like crud.....  From my understanding mornings can be rough because of the natural spikes in cortisol, which is normally supposed to wake one up and get them going. When you are tapering the cns is sensitive, thus the cortisol rise can cause a flair up in symptoms early mornings. I have also often heard the term "toxic naps" which is when one wakes up from a nap and feels almost hung over. Search the term and you will find many are going through the same thing.
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I feel more depressed when I sleep :o :o and more anxious when I don't.  I slept til 8:30 this morning which never happens and woke up with my heart pounding.  Feel depressed and hopeless and overwhelmed.  The previous two nights I didn't sleep well and felt very anxious and agitated all day.  Never feel good.  I think I have agitated depression.  Just can't make myself do anything and don't care about anything and feel stressed out and overwhelmed by everything.  What a life.  I am never able to nap because as soon as I start to dose off, I get a jolt of fear which jerks me awake.

Our brains are so complicated.  How do you figure them out when things change every day? :o

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