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My day today.


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pretty depressed today...I think the time of year and bleak weather has a lot to do with that.


Went to a big family gathering, which was hard because I had to pretend that I was ok.  I had to pretend I wasn't jumping out of my skin and suffering from DP/DR.  I had to pretend to enjoy myself.


Now normally these events annoy me a little, but not like today:)


Evening and I'm not so freaked out or depressed anymore...


This is my life.  I did cut a little Xanax the last couple days.  I updosed to 2.5 and am now back to 2.25.

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pretty depressed today...I think the time of year and bleak weather has a lot to do with that.


Went to a big family gathering, which was hard because I had to pretend that I was ok.  I had to pretend I wasn't jumping out of my skin and suffering from DP/DR.  I had to pretend to enjoy myself.


Now normally these events annoy me a little, but not like today:)


Evening and I'm not so freaked out or depressed anymore... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

This is my life.  I did cut a little Xanax the last couple days.  I updosed to 2.5 and am now back to 2.25.

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