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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Headache and Sore Throat for Two Weeks


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I don't think it's benzo related because it does not get better after a dose.


I have had a headache and sore throat for two weeks now. I am hoping it' s just a cold virus or something that will go away soon and not last the rest of my taper and beyond. A little worried about that.


When I went to see my doctor she suggested not taking Advil for a few days because it can cause " headache rebound." I never knew such a thing existed :(.


I was only taking 1-2 Advil a day for about a week and a half, one day taking 3. It's been a few days without the Advil, but my headache persists. It does get better after eating.


Do you think it's benzo withdrawal? It does not improve after a dose so I do not think so. Any suggestions or opinions?



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It doesn't really sound like benzo w/d to me.


There are viruses and such going around right now, at least in the area where I live.


I've had a cold, sinus thing, for past 2 weeks, and it's just now clearing up.  Mine is mostly coughing and sinus drainage, but started as a sore throat.


I sure hope you feel better soon. 

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Thanks Disney Girl,


If it wasn't for the headache I think I would be doing well otherwise. Sometimes I get some mild anxiety and worry like no tomorrow, but overall things are going ok for me. Seasonal depression sucks.


I really hope my headache clears up in a few days. I am planning on making another cut on Wednesday.


I am also thinking of taking some Advil in a couple of days if it does not get better. I read that headache rebound is rare in Advil and occurs after high doses of a anti-headache medication. I was not taking high levels of Advil. If it's a virus that lasts another week or two it would nice to get some relief with Advil or something.

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Hi saul, sounds like a bug of some sort, hang in there!! The headache may be tied to withdrawl, not sure on that. The back of my head pounds off and on since tapering. I know it's benzo related as my neck is often sore/stiff as well. Feels like a chronic tension headache, have never taking Advil for it, just suffer and it slowly goes away.


Take care and carry on, you're doing great :thumbsup:



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Thanks ruger58,


I am tempted to take some cold medication but am worried about all medications now. I have been sucking on some cold eaze which has helped with the sore throat, along with gargling mouthwash.


I was reading some success stories this morning that made me feel better. There are many people who have suffered much more greatly than me and are now 100% healed! Very inspiring.


I just want to get through the winter and plan/hope to jump in mid/late winter to sometime in spring if everything goes well.


Should I try some cold medication? I hope the headache goes away soon.


If it's due to withdrawal I would like to hold to see if it goes away, but I think it's a virus of some sort.


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