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Question about my kpin drop


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I am now down from 10 mg of K to .83 mg. I have always dropped by 5% every two weeks. When I got down to 1.125 mg, I cut by .0625 mg. My latest cut was .031 mg. I know I am going slowly, but I experienced two C/Ts and they were so horrible that I don't want to get the nearly the same. I have kindled twice. Can I take that .03 mg down to 0 mg? I know the 5% will get higher, the lower the dose I get, but does this really matter at this point? I am worried about the kindles. Thanks guys. Bets

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This is the withdrawal board, isn't it, Bets?


Yes. I first posted this on the insomnia board by mistake. So I asked BRC to put it on the withdrawal section, as it gets a lot more reads than the KK board. So, here I am. But the question still hasn't been answered. Bets

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Your doing an awesome job Bets,,have you started tapering the v yet?


That's my New Year's resolution! To start my V in the spring, or earlier, if possible :thumbsup: Bets

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Wish I had answers for you...just wanted to let you know how courageous I think you are dropping/tapering from such a high dose of K to .83....wow.  Hope I will have the strength to do the same.  As some may recal...am holding at 1.5 as we are on vacation now.  Intend to resume taper after Jan 1 with blessing of Dr.  The first few days here, even though I was three weeks into the last taper were difficult and I was not sure I could enjoy it...but the fog and depression lifted and I feel well now....a window, thank goodness. 


All the best to you as you continue to heal.  Hope you get the answers you need.  Am sure I'll be on the forums, asking for help in Jan!  Nice to hold for a while - about five weeks it will be.  It gives the body a break and a rest from struggling with w/d sxs.

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Great accomplishment going from 10 mg to were you are now!


I think the .03 cuts is a good idea. Perhaps instead of .0625 cuts every two weeks you can cut .03125 each week or two?


I got that idea from SG (can't remember his full a k a right now ).



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What are kindles? ???

I also would like to know, seizures? ???


Grantl, thank you very much.

Bets, once you get down to 0.03, you can make another cut, for example 0.015, even it is a 50% cut, it is a very small quantity.  :smitten:


No. I could, but don't want to. I still plan to jump at .03 mg. I think that's low enuf. El tiempo diva, no?

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Wish I had answers for you...just wanted to let you know how courageous I think you are dropping/tapering from such a high dose of K to .83....wow.  Hope I will have the strength to do the same.  As some may recal...am holding at 1.5 as we are on vacation now.  Intend to resume taper after Jan 1 with blessing of Dr.  The first few days here, even though I was three weeks into the last taper were difficult and I was not sure I could enjoy it...but the fog and depression lifted and I feel well now....a window, thank goodness. 


All the best to you as you continue to heal.  Hope you get the answers you need.  Am sure I'll be on the forums, asking for help in Jan!  Nice to hold for a while - about five weeks it will be.  It gives the body a break and a rest from struggling with w/d sxs.


my mana:


Yes, I recall from your posts that you are holding until after the holidays. I think that's a good idea. Why blow a nice vacation and let the benzos win this particular battle? Thanks for your support. This has been a long road for me. Enjoy!!!!!! hugs, Bets

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Great accomplishment going from 10 mg to were you are now!


I think the .03 cuts is a good idea. Perhaps instead of .0625 cuts every two weeks you can cut .03125 each week or two?


I got that idea from SG (can't remember his full a k a right now ).


That's my plan, Saul. I just needed re-assurance to make sure I am doing the right thing.  :smitten: Bets

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Way to go Bets!


You can take the .03 mg to 0 if ur liquid titrating however at .03 ur practically at fumes anyway.


Next: the big V. You'll find it much more forgiving. I've missed doses and didn't feel a thing.

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Way to go Bets!


You can take the .03 mg to 0 if ur liquid titrating however at .03 ur practically at fumes anyway.


Next: the big V. You'll find it much more forgiving. I've missed doses and didn't feel a thing.




The big V scares me, but not as much as that nasty K. I too, sometimes miss a dose and don't even notice, That will change, I guess. :tickedoff: Bets

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I am now down from 10 mg of K to .83 mg. I have always dropped by 5% every two weeks. When I got down to 1.125 mg, I cut by .0625 mg. My latest cut was .031 mg. I know I am going slowly, but I experienced two C/Ts and they were so horrible that I don't want to get the nearly the same. I have kindled twice. Can I take that .03 mg down to 0 mg? I know the 5% will get higher, the lower the dose I get, but does this really matter at this point? I am worried about the kindles. Thanks guys. Bets


Wow, that is very inspirational to me to see that someone has managed to survive coming down from 10 mg of Klonopin to .83 mg.  You are almost done!  I thought my 3 mg dose was high!  What method(s) did you use to taper?

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