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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Surgery, anesthesia, GABA and benzos...


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I'm probably going to need surgery on my shoulder soon especially since my insurance is running out and I might as well get it over with while I still have it.  I talked to my orthopedic doctor about the Depakote ER and Klonopin that I'm on and explained to him about how I have bad problems with insomnia.  I asked him if it was even possible to put me to sleep with anesthesia and even if I did come out of the surgery ok, would I have a manic episode?


I also told him that based on what I read about anesthesia, it seems that the way it makes you sleep is by working with GABA receptors which are already being messed with from the Depakote ER and Klonopin.  He said that he really didn't know much about the anesthesia part, just that he could repair the damage to my shoulder and that they would figure out a way to put me to sleep safely.  It just sounds fishy to me.  Has anyone had experience having surgery requiring full-on anesthesia while taking medication or while in benzo withdrawal?

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Yes i have. I had a laminectomy on my back 6 months ago. I def think it set me back but i was not willing to have permanent nerve damage so i did it.

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