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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Please help. 1 year off feeling worse. Why?


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Please, please can someone tell me if this is normal for some people, as I'm starting to really worry.


In 2012 my doctor put me on a low dose of Diazepam (2mg) for Post Traumatic stress. On his advice I took it for 20 months and came off


exactly 1 year ago this week.  Although it was a very rough time with all the usual symptoms people usually mention in their posts, I got


through it and I could actually see a future free from this wretched condition  However, by the time I reached the 8 month period I bean to


feel really rough with worse constant nausea and lots of daily adrenalin rushes/panics and by the 11th month 



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I'm 15 months out and months 8-11 were my worst so far. You are not alone, lots of members still feel bad after a year. Healing is not linear and makes not sense. Hope you feel better soon, jenny
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Those late months are tough. I have had some of my worst waves in the late months. They tend to mean that your windows will be longer and better. At least that is how it has been for me. I hear you with the nausea. That has been my worst symptom. I was doing great in November. I thought I was healed (two week 100% window). Now I'm back to a bad wave with nausea, ringing,and pulsating fear. Horrible stuff. When it hits it feels like it will never end, but it will. Hand in there. Better days ahead.
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My benzo w/d specialist dr says it takes on average about 2 years for the body /brain and CNS to fully recover from benzo use. That does not mean the whole 2 years will be horrible. But it means that what you are experiencing is quite normal. Hang in there, I know it sucks.



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I don't know why but I'm in the same mess. Feels worse thsn acute and hit me a 14.5 months out and still going strong. It's horrible! Hope u feel better soon
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