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How can this turn on you so,fast?


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I apwas doing really well for eight days, which seems to be my max window. How the hell can I go foe functional to a jabbering, manic suicidal insomniac I. A day or two? Making me once again question if something else is wrong. Jesus.
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Same for me. All my waves have been like that. I don't panic anymore because I know what it is. I just stay in bed and binge watch tv til it's over.
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I was struck by a massive wave in month 9 - throughout my withdrawal I've been having moderate waves followed by nice windows with my baseline getting better every month, that was until month 9 where just a week before this big wave I was feeling really optimistic and on the whole a lot better but when this wave hit I was completely hopeless, anxiety was crazy and it saw a resurgence of suicidal thoughts, it really scared the crap out of me of how fast these symptoms came about but eventually it did subside I'm doing a lot better now :) Just ride it out Jack.
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My heart goes out to you jack. All I know is you are one of the strongest people I know...the withdrawals, the pain.... You are truly incredible. I wish I knew what to say but I don't. Just know that I hope you are feeling better soon. :smitten:
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I wonder the same thing every time - how on earth I can feel good and then all of a sudden go into a horrible wave. Then it makes me question if there's something else wrong too. That's putting it lightly. I basically feel totally crazy and believe there's got to be some other thing wrong then I research all these things. It's horrible, all the ways all the thoughts and feelings that happen. I hope and pray every time that I will have the strength and courage to endure whatever will hit me in the next wave. I don't feel much reassurance that a wave ends and I get to feel better for a time...I just end up scared for the next wave to hit. I try so hard to be positive about it though. I try to see it as that it's teaching me to live in the moment and be grateful for all of the good moments. Will be thinking of you! You are incredibly strong.
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