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Klonopin for depression?


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Was anyone else prescribed a benzo along with an AD for major depression.  I had very little anxiety, so only too late realized it should never have been prescribed.
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I think it depends on what type of depression you have. If it's the low motivation, I don't care about anything type then Klonopin would be the exact opposite of what you would need. If it's the ruminative, anxious thinking, restless type then I could see why it would be prescribed. Although we all know how that ends up.
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What jc215 said. If it's prescribed along with an a/d, it's usually added to neutralize the side effects. That's how I ended up on my first benzo and z drug. Benzos are noted for causing/worsening depression in the long run rather than treating it. The Klonopin made me crazily depressed, and it's much better now at 6 months off.
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Mine was just for anxiety and insomnia. I am not a depressed person, nor do I think it helps with depression. It would only make sense that a depressive drug can only worsen depression. That what I think anyway. Bets
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I was given klonopin to help counteract the side effects of an antipsychotic... It helped my anxiety I had too but in the end my major depressive disorder was made worse by it. I was suicidal again.
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Thank you everyone for your replies.


It looks as if many people were wrongly prescribed the stuff for totally wrong reasons.


In early bouts with depression I had major anxiety, insomnia, etc. along with it, but in this latest episode when I was prescribed Klonopin I only had major depression.


Many years ago I learned that Xanax is "habit forming" but little did I know that what that means is that it (and all benzos) causes temporary brain damage.


I have since learned that benzos can prevent AD drugs from working properly, which would explain why I had very little success this go-around with ADs, whereas in the past I have had success with many different ones


Never again.

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I've read somewhere, can't remember where that Xanax is the only benzo approved to treat depression and anxiety together. I don't know why they'd prescribe klonopin to someone for depression.
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I don't know why he did either, now that I'm not as ignorant and am looking back.  But then so many people were prescribed these drugs for ailments that they were never intended to be used for.  It makes me so sad that I'm the one who feels ignorant.  :-\
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