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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

hair loss during withdrawal?


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Needless to say, hair loss is really getting to me. My hair's finer now, almost like a small child's, and I'm seeing significantly more hair loss when shampooing. Not exactly losing clumps of hair, but a marked increase to maybe 30 - 40 strands.


Is this to be expected?  I won't be surprised, since dealing a constant, low-key anxiety and all the WDs results in constant mild stress over the entire withdrawal period.  And, most importantly, is it temporary?  This is probably the most depressing symptom.

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I've been noticing this too.  Not clumps but it just seems like many more strands in the sink when combing out over washing.  Since I'm 63, I've worried this is just age and not reversible.  Is there hope it's just withdrawal and will thicken up?  I find it depressing too!
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Apparently (after Googling a bit) hair loss is not uncommon, and there are several reports of hair growing back eventually, about 2 months after.  I don't mind just shaving everything and going bald (much...), but it's the waiting to see if it's permanent hair loss or just a temporary WD symptom that sucks. I used to have really thick hair, almost too thick and coarse to manage.  I think I prefer that to the fine hair I suddenly have. I'm in my late 20s, btw.  In my entire family, only my biological father lost his hair; all my uncles still have a full head of hair into their 60s, and I take more after my mother in terms of physical attributes.


FinallyJoining: I think that at 63, unless you're currently on some seriously strong medication or something, such as chemotherapy, if you're genetically predisposed to baldness then you'd have lost your hair decades ago.  So no worries; in your case it's almost surely the withdrawal.  This is what I learnt from Google anyway.  I'm actually pretty envious of you still having your hair at 63!

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I have not seem this topic in a while. It comes up from time to time. During my first withdrawal I lost tons of hair. I dreaded combing my hair and taking a shower was horrible. It fell out in clumps. Finally around month six that stopped, and now once again I have my same old head of hair. I have seen this same thing happen to other members, and many of those have the same experience as I in regards to hair growth.
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my hair has fallen out some too. i thought it was just getting older. I'm 36. also some of my hair turned coarse.  from what i have read it does grow back. i can see a lot of short hair in my head. which means mine seems to be growing back some. i hope.
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yeah my coarse hair seems to be falling out too or its the hair i notice the most. not sure. so strange huh. its the stress.  our hormones being out of whack makes our hair coarse. I'm assuming. my hair feels a lot better after almost a year out. so thats a good sign.
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Now ALL my hair, not just the ones on my head, is getting soft and fine. Even my stubble when I don't shave is unusually soft when I run my finger tips over my sideburns, instead of being bristly.  I'm beginning to think this is some kind of physiological prank.
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I lost half my head of hair on two different occasions during w/d. It really freaked me out. But it was just w/d. It is the bodies response to stress. My friend who has had 2 organ transplants had the same thing. 


my hair is great now........but man what a drag! Not only did I look like an old hag, but I was losing my hair as well.........needless to say there were many years during w/d that I could scarcely look in the mirror.



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Besides hair loss the first time I was in withdrawal my nails popped off their nailbed. That did not happen this time but they are very brittle.
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being on  these pills just totally depletes our vitamins and when we get off our body is so stress out. it will all balance out one day. hang in there you guys. we are in this together.
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While on the benzo, I'd be losing so much hair; it clogged the drain during showers, and you should've seen the floor of my vehicle; it became like a hair-carpet at times (drove my spouse wild.)  A friend commented on my hair loss, which really brought my attention to it  :-X  Guess it's a blessing I have lots of it and it's very coarse/thick.


Now, five months post-benzo, I've noticed it's begun to grow back.  I see tons of 1"-long "baby" hairs along my scalp-line.  Interesting.  Same thing happened after my two pregnancies.  Just another sign that benzos are a terrific shock to our bodies... esp. when we are discontinuing or have discontinued them.

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