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Need advice: Dry cutting V daily micro taper using mg scale


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I've been holding at 3 mg of V for 3 months. I get slammed with insomnia, weakness, and other symptoms when I cut more than .25 mg at a time, so I'd like to try a daily micro taper. I've held for so long due to going through a stressful time and needing to hold down my job.


I want to taper by using a file and just dry cutting very, very small cuts every morning. Does anyone have any advice on how to go about doing this? Will the cuts literally look like this everyday:  3 mg, 2.99, 2.98, etc...


Thanks! :)

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I didn't file my pills, but I am familiar with it nonetheless.  I assume you also have a scale to weigh them?


If the scale is a .001g scale and your 2mg Valium pill weighs .170g (I'm guessing) then the smallest cut you can make would be .012mg V.  Each .001g tick on the scale is worth .012mg V.


Since you are at 3mg I'd probably begin by testing the waters by removing .001g each day, which would be a .012mg daily reduction.  You may be able to move up to .002g per day, but I would stay at .001g for a few weeks first to assess.


So your initial cuts will be something like: 3mg, 2.988, 2.976...

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