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Does anybody know why paxilprogress closes permanently? That forum was great when I was trying to get of Paxil but I haven't gone there in a month or so and was surprised to read that it was closed.  :o
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Hi Texasstar, Thank you for your post. PP was a great support to me when I was withdrawing from Paxil and Benzo Buddies helped me greatly with withdrawing from Ativan. I'm sorry to hear that PP closed down as forums such as that and Benzo Buddies are wonderful.  :thumbsup:
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From what I've read, apparently the owner of PaxilProgress felt that she was burned out from all of the years of working on the site.  What supposedly was the final nail in the coffin was that one of the members tried to archive too many of the posts.  The owner considered this to be hacking and copyright violation and that is why it is ultimately being shut down.  People are trying to get her to re-open the site if only for a short time just so they can save their journals and things like that.  I would really like to see the site re-opened again because I have years of my own data on that site as well.


If she feels that burned out, she certainly could transfer ownership to one of the moderators.  Another thing that is being considered is to purchase the domain and forum from her.  I would like to go in with a group of people and purchase it from her if that is the absolute worst case scenario.  People are trying to migrate to different withdrawal websites right now but there are very few now.  It looks like SA has gotten the majority of the members who are gone but I would not be surprised if BB gets a ton of new members soon as a result of PP closing.

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Thank you for your reply, LifeInChaos.  I, too have a lot of things I would like to get from PP. I can understand Scottie, she has been faithful to the site for years. I'm wondering if Darcy knows that it's closed. He was the original owner of the site and might consider taking it back. It's a big job.
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