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Does any healing occur during taper?


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Was just wondering if any healing occurs during the taper period...or does the drug have to be completely out of our system before any healing begins?
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I believe Parker described I in What is happening to your brain. The symptoms during withdrawal are the effects that your nervous system and brain are going through as your brain is relearning how to take. care of your nervous system the benzo was controlling before. That is why you have to listen to your body. When you can't handle the taper you have to slow it. If you are doing fine tapering with few symptoms you can try to increase the speed of your taper.
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Was just wondering if any healing occurs during the taper period...or does the drug have to be completely out of our system before any healing begins?


If you taper slow enough to reach levels where you almost feel normal I'd say yes.  Those tapers take years and years to achieve.

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During the first 2 months of my taper I did believe I was healing. Not anymore. I am becoming more insane every day. My cog fog is severe. See if I recover a bit during holidays. :idiot:
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I would say that depends... you can find people on here who did long drawn out tapers and jumped and still got screwed. Then you will find others who tapered fast and healed fast. Or vice versa for both, I honestly believe it all goes down to individual genetics and chemical makeup.
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In the Ashton Manuel she says that some of her patients were healed after their last dose.


I know that I have healed a lot compared to how I was back in the summer.


I think yes for sure.

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