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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Well I got myself in trouble again


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I threw away 31 months and took a few klonopin. God it was nice I had about four really great days, but now I don't know what to do. I just can't take the pain. I have kept the dose real low and been taking it for 2 weeks, now what do I do. I didn't think I could possibly get sicker and I did. I was desperate I have been deathly ill all year. If I could have stayed like was last year I would not have thought about it but I have to go back to work and NOTHING was helping the 24 hour pain.
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YES I know about the kindling factor but at this time I really didn't think I had a choice. My family was begging me to do something and I have tried every diet, or natural remedy out there, spent 20,000 trying to heal and I felt I could not go on any longer.
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I understand that you wanted to get out of the hell you were in. I am not knowledgable enough to advise you what to do. I just want to let you know I understand.
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Thank You! I did 1 mg for about four days and I was in heaven, then I did .75 for 3 days, then .5 split 2xday for the remainder. I just want my life back and I have been in pain everyday for all day for 31 months. I do not want to take it but I don't know what else to do. My plan is to get back on the detox diet I was on last year and get the f*** off but I know I set myself back prob another three years and I am scared.
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So sorry for your pain. I understand wanting it to end. I think about getting drunk, taking opioids, etc.  I just want to be numb. I don't drink or take the drugs but I think about any way to help me not think. The endless repetitive thinking is so harmful to my spirit. Just don't beat yourself up.  Here is something to make you laugh.  It is about a know-it-all doctor and benzos.


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I threw away 31 months and took a few klonopin. God it was nice I had about four really great days, but now I don't know what to do. I just can't take the pain. I have kept the dose real low and been taking it for 2 weeks, now what do I do. I didn't think I could possibly get sicker and I did. I was desperate I have been deathly ill all year. If I could have stayed like was last year I would not have thought about it but I have to go back to work and NOTHING was helping the 24 hour pain.


I understand the need to get relief after so long. You probably reached a tolerance after your four days.  Personally if it was me I would cease taking it immediately.  Continuing to take it past two weeks could cause the need for a taper .

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i want to advise you to look into light therapy, especially red light/infra red light therapy......near infra red seems to be the safest way to start out.....ive been experimenting at home with a couple 150w heat lamps from the pet store and have a couple 250w on the way.  I cannot say its worked any miracles....but its very soothing and relaxing......check it out!  (btw, you can build your own or even buy some really nice set ups for less than a few hundred, ive probly spent 60 so far)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Help me! This reinstatement is messing with my gut already. I don't know how to taper. I have been at . 25 for two weeks. Missed my dose yesterday. Belly paid for it today. Kindling once again.
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