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Fell asleep and missed my dose of ativan last night, what should I do?


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I'm at .20 mg ativan, and fell asleep early, missing my dose last night.  Should I ignore it or take more tonight or earlier?  I feel kind of loopy and shaky but strangely better mentally than usual, clearer and less depressed/rage-y.  It sort of confirms for me that not only am I having post-withdrawal s/x from xanax and current withdrawal s/x from ativan, I've also been having side effects from the ativan itself.  Or, who knows.  It almost make me want to jump off from this dosage, if I didn't know better what would happen if I did.  What do people normally do if they miss a dose of one of the shorter acting benzos like ativan?
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If you're taking it once a day, I'm guessing it's primarily to help you sleep???  Apparently, you can sleep without it.  :)


If you want to get the level back up in your blood, you could take .10 this morning then go back to .20 this evening.  That won't give you exactly the right dose, but it will be in the ball park.  You could probably just blow off the missed dose, but your shakes might get worse over the course of the day.

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Thanks, badsocref.  It's more complicated than not sleeping, why I was put on ativan, they had to throw something at my brain when it became utterly whacked out due to an experimental depression treatment.  It was a literal lifesaver at the time, I think one of the sorts of scenarios where these drugs are a good thing, and not how I usually feel about them -- poison.  I hope I will be able to sleep as withdrawl progresses, for me, insomnia was one of the most awful parts of acute xanax withdrawal. 


Thanks for your advice!

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I always felt better when I missed a dose! (it happened often)  I was one of those people who felt sedated by the benzo right until the last dose. I never reached tolerance. When I missed one I just resumed my normal schedule the next day...it never was that big of a deal. Like you said, I usually felt better.
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