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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Can you heal once a benzo turns paradoxical on you


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The answer is....yes!! :) You know this. You found a lady that healed in 3 months from paradoxical reactions. Don't lose faith, Buddy. :)


Would you rather...


Never Heal






Don't need to answer that. ;) I know your answer. And that will happen.

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5 month off after a failed reinstatement, was paradoxucal and in tolerance immediately, taper during 4 month was hell on earth


Felt better 2 month after my CT than now at 5month off

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5 month off after a failed reinstatement, was paradoxucal and in tolerance immediately, taper during 4 month was hell on earth


Felt better 2 month after my CT than now at 5month off


Are you making progress

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They are so slow That i think im brain damage


First time was driving my car alone 10 days after my CT and began to sleep again around 1,5month


5 month now cant drive my car alone because of chemical fear and anxiety, and sleep 0-2 broken hours

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I reinstated last July and cold turkeyed a month later due to paradoxical reaction to xanax.  I went into acute withdrawal and it was hell.  Now I am doing so much better and I am healing.  I got a work from home job and I was able to go to the dentist yesterday with no problem (that is HUGE for me).
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I sure hope so! I was paradoxical for the last 2 years in my taper and said screw it and jumped. It's been 15.5 months now for me. I'm sure we will heal the only question is when!
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I started my taper in tolerance withdrawal to Klonopin, then switched to Valium, which I subsequently developed a paradoxical reaction to. I felt better as I got lower in dosage, then better after I was off completely, and I am most definitely seeing progress. Some things have improved so much that I wonder if I was paradoxical to Klonopin. In any case, I feel better than the last years I was on it, for sure. :)
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can someone please tell me what it feels to have "paradoxical" feelings to a benzo?


i think i felt it one time when i was trying to taper from klonopin and i took a xanax that made me feel even more insane. i know that Timeforachange is having a hard time with the paradoxical effects of her benzo now. so sad. i really hope she pulls through and i know she can because she's strong.




are you feeling any better since the ginkgo experiment? hope it's okay that i asked you that. i had heard it wasn't good for you and i was thinking of trying it. but i returned my ginkgo that i bought.


thanks, Pretty

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Pretty, sounds like paradoxical reaction to me. It's basically when the drug causes the opposite reaction. When I got it I had anxiety, rapid heartbeat, shaky. Felt like I took speed.
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Pretty, I wouldn't take the ginkgo if I were you. It was like being sent straight to acute day one. Very scary plus I had an absence seizure. Some aren't as sensitive as me tho.
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Pretty, I wouldn't take the ginkgo if I were you. It was like being sent straight to acute day one. Very scary plus I had an absence seizure. Some aren't as sensitive as me tho.


thanks Luigi! i returned the ginkgo and won't be taking it.

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  • 1 month later...

I went paradoxical to lorazepam within 48 hours after getting cold turkeyed off my tricyclic antidepressant.  Then about two weeks later, I was given 1 mg of Valium by my PCP and went paradoxical on that, too.  The paradoxical reactions started after getting off the TCA.


I'm so sad.  My body didn't used to have ANY problems with meds, or any sensitivities.  I was SO healthy and now am a batch of mangled chemicals, a petri dish of bullish*t. 



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Thanks guys I appreciate it. Would love to hear some more stories about paradoxical effects on ppl.


I never realized in 1985 & 2004 that I was experiencing paradoxical effects from Valium.

Had to walk everyday no matter what because I was always revved up and physically tense.

I got a brief period of relief after the pill and then tension agitation for the rest of the time until

the next days dose

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