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I just want to share a little story.



Way back in high school, I purchased a dictionary, Merriam Webster Dictionary.


It's nice, I like reading it.  And I happened to look at the word paranoia, it has a long definition.


Paranoia - A chronic psychosis characterized by well rationalized delusion of persecution or of grandeur.


I memorized the definition, word for word, and stuck it to my brain forever.


After some couple of years, I worked in Saudi Arabia, a friend of mine happened to get interested to buy a dictionary, and he bought exactly the same dictionary, same cover.


And while we are eating, he opened the dictionary in the middle and ask me.... ok Amado, define paranoia


I hesitantly started


        A chronic psychosis....


he said, uh huh.....


then I continued slowly..


          .....characterized by well rationalized delusion....


and his expression began to change while his eyes was stuck on his dictionary...


            .......of persecution or of grandeur.



I hope you can imagine the expression on his face.




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If I were you I would become paranoid after something like that lol.

coincidence? or something else?


I think it was just a perfect coincidence.  But I was naughtily happy making him nervous while I was reciting it word by word as if I was reading it directly.



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