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SSRIs and dry eyes


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Hi everyone,


Please excuse this for not being benzo-related. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced dry eyes while on an SSRI. Specifically, I'm having some challenges driving at night due to halos/starbursts/glare around all lights. I think it may be dry eye related as a result of my SSRI. Thanks.

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Hi everyone,


Please excuse this for not being benzo-related. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced dry eyes while on an SSRI. Specifically, I'm having some challenges driving at night due to halos/starbursts/glare around all lights. I think it may be dry eye related as a result of my SSRI. Thanks.


Hi mrn.  I had many visual symptoms during withdrawal.  However, this is the type of symptom that I think should be checked out by an eye doctor, if only to put your mind at ease.  I don't know how old you are, but if you're middle aged these types of symptoms can appear as you get older.  However, I'd have it checked out, especially if this is something that came on suddenly. 



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