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Feeling sick


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I have been off Clonazepam 0.5 cold turkey for nine weeks. After feeling really sick first two weeks I felt great in the following weeks. Now I am on my 10th day of feeling sick again. Nausea and dizziness and fast heart beat are my worst symptoms. I also can not sleep and have a metallic taste in my mouth. I can not eat anything. I had 6 crackers in the past two days. Today I woke up at 4 after going to bed at midnight. I wake up all sweaty and my heart is going crazy.  Did any one experienced anything similar. Is this just a bad wave? How long do this usually last?  :'(

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Yup all normal. I still get it. For the rapid heart you can get a beta blocker from your doctor. Just take it when you really need to. Mine never stays consistently fast so I don't take them. Mine pounds for an hour or 2 and then slows down.
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The pounding heart comes and goes. It usually lasts a couple of hours. When it was bad it would come and go several times a day, that's when I was taking the beta blocker. They slow down the heart and also get rid of some physical symptoms of anxiety. At 14.5 months out I got an acute wave actually worse than acute. A month later I'm still in it. The rapid heartbeat, shakes, chills, nausea, panic, insomnia, no appetite and burning skin came back in full force! I have lost 10 lbs from it. The first 2 weeks of this wave were worst and I don't know how I made it. I still feel really bad.


Another thing is you're gonna want relief so bad that your willing to try anything. Don't mess with supplements, teas, herbs, alcohol and other meds. Unless of course you need them for something other than benzo withdrawal. They can really screw up recovery.

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