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Somebody Get This Swarm of Bees Off of Me


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I must have some underlying condition.  This can't be normal.  Bee stings, muscle twitching, ear ringing, dry eyes and burning all over.  I either have an autoimmune condition or small fiber neuropathy.  I haven't felt right all year.
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I have the burning thing going on too !  Totally sucks. If you didn't have your sxs prior to coming off the benzo then it's w/d. I doubt you suddenly developed some serious neurological condition , especially since you have the same sxs as everyone else on this board.


Hang tough.... That's all we can do .

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I must have some underlying condition.  This can't be normal.  Bee stings, muscle twitching, ear ringing, dry eyes and burning all over.  I either have an autoimmune condition or small fiber neuropathy.  I haven't felt right all year.


Does it feel like allergy?  More severe than mere discomfort?


I did not have most of that, except that high-frequency ringing.  What I had are mental and emotional agony.


I am not sure if what you are experiencing is "better" than mental or emotional agony.  Or maybe worse? 


Maybe due to some new ailment induced by medications? 


Mental and emotional side effects can be relieved by taking rescue dose of the benzo that the person is taking.


Do you get relief if you take your drug?

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My symptoms are more physical than mental.  I had an allergic reaction to some medicine a long time ago and it does feel similar except more intense. 

The constant twitching and pain of my legs and burning all over is really troubling to me.

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I had all of those symptoms exempt for the bee stings (but I certainly had lots of zaps and pains).  They're all 'typical' benzo withdrawal symptoms.  You're very close to the end, and the final cuts can be very trying.  Give it some time.  I think they'll all dissipate.  Congratulations, btw, for being so close to jumping.
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Thanks all for the words of encouragement.  I need it.  My timing with the holidays is not great, but I guess there is never a great time for this.  I just pray for it to go away soon and that there are no underlying issues with my nerves. 

I think the gabapentin is probably not a good idea.  I get relief at night when I take it but it probably makes it worse during the day.  I have a prescription to take it during the day also but I refuse cause I only want to take enough to get by. I think am going to quit taking it altogether.

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fwiw - you might try taking gabapentin during the day (in addition to taking it at night).  It has a fairly short half-life, so the dose you take at night is mostly gone by morning.  Every now and then I took 300-600 mg during the day, and I felt that it helped to calm me down a bit.  I didn't do that very often since I only got 31 x 300 mg per month.
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