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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Just wanted to throw a little warning out there. I've been good for a few weeks now. Came down with a lovely cold that has been going around which turned into an Upper Respiratory Infection. I couldn't breath and knew that I may need a steroid.


I took one dose of Prednisone, and it shifted my mood quickly. I had a feeling it would. The crankiness turned to anger and then to anxiety/depression. Not fun.


Just wanted to throw a little warning out there for everyone to be careful. Didn't think it would effect me as much as it is.


Anyone else have this issue?

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Yup when I was tapering I took one pill and it threw me into withdrawal! I was a wreck gor a day and a half. Another time I got a cortisone shot I'm my hand for my trigger finger and was screwed for over a week! Hang in there you'll be ok. Plus you have a cold which often makes us worse for a while.
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Steroids and benzodiazepines are not ordinary drugs.


Luckily, I got the benefit of Prednisone.  Last month, I had Prednisone treatment for allergy (40 mg per day, 4 divided doses).  It removed withdrawal symptoms and I was able to cut earlier than I planned.  However, Prednisone for more than 2 weeks can cause adrenal suppression (then weakness), that will recover in 6 to 8 months.  So I stopped it after 1 week of treatment.


If a person is taking Prednisone alone, no benzo or AD drugs or anything, severe depression will likely occur after stopping the steroid.  This is from my experience.  If a person take it while on benzo or benzo tapering, depression from Prednisone will not occur because it is masked by benzo.  This is also from my own experience.


Prednisone can considerably change something in our body and brain, many could have the ugly effects.  Maybe only few get the opposite.


So yes, stay away from Prednisone.  Or if really required, do not exceed one week then taper in another week.



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Good to hear. Yeah I only took a 40 mg burst to break up the inflammation. It ruined my winning streak. I know I'll get it back sometime soon. I just hate the depression and whatnot after it.
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Been on oral hydrocortisone for 3 years... without a doubt it makes me more depressed and anxious... it's a horrible drug to be on w/benzos, and by itself also... it took a very incompetent doctor to prescribe me that long-term.... now I have to stay on it until I taper off the Valium... because it's become just as addictive.
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