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c/t .25 klonopin?


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Around thanksgiving I went down .5 to .25 klonopin.


About a week ago I started trying .25 every other night- no bueno. Experiencing withdrawal in between doses.


Can I safely c/t from .25? I only have 7 @ 1mg klonopin left.


Thank you!


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Not sure at all.  I'd say check with your Dr and ask about switching to V? 


I have no idea, I did it wrong and am feeling the hurt. 



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Around thanksgiving I went down .5 to .25 klonopin.


About a week ago I started trying .25 every other night- no bueno. Experiencing withdrawal in between doses.


Can I safely c/t from .25? I only have 7 @ 1mg klonopin left.


Thank you!


At this point it would be a "jump". A cold turkey withdrawal is when a medication is stopped without any kind of taper. I personally would not recommend a jump from that dose, especially with problems between doses. Stopping too rapidly can cause some serious symptoms. The recommended reduction rate is 5 to 10 percent every two weeks.

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How can I reduce 10% .25 from 1mg klonopin? I am lost.

I do not see how it is possible to cut my pills an smaller.



You can always use a scale. They are fairly inexpensive and a great way to reduce fractions.


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How can I reduce 10% .25 from 1mg klonopin? I am lost.

I do not see how it is possible to cut my pills an smaller.


There are ways to make very small reductions in doses. Not exactly my specialty.

Having only a few tablets left would be an issue. Can you get more ?


People can taper as slowly as they like, but sometimes no matter how slowly they taper, actually stopping will cause horrendous and sometimes long lasting symptoms.


0.25 mg is not an unreasonable dose. You could go to 0.125 mg. Some people find relief as long as they taper. But only once you're off you'll recover. My take, anyway.


Please don't have too much faith in my signature, a long time ago I actually quit this drug at 0.25 without many issues. I did notice some hypersensitivity at lower doses. It went away once I stopped taking the drug.


For what it's worth.

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Thank you for your response! I have lowered to .125 and will stay here for a bit. I cannot get more. At least not from a prescribing doc. Sad, but true. I have given up on the docs.



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