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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Seeking Guidance


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Hello all! I recently tapered to .25 klonopin every other night from every night. I have been doing a slower taper for about three years but recent events have left me without a doc and wanting to safely taper from the little amount of klonopin I have left. Hoping to find guidance on how I can do this. Experiencing withdrawal and feeling scared with close to no support. Thank u!
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Hello seahermit.  Welcome to the forum, we're glad you found us!  Here are a few links you may find useful:


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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Welcome  :) Congratulations on your taper so far. We understand what you are going though and you have all sorts of support here, any time of the day. The collective wisdom of our members is enormous. What kind of symptoms are you currently experiencing?
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Hello seahermit,


I too would like to welcome you to the forum  :)


Congratulations on your taper so far, you've done well and should feel proud of yourself!


If I was you I would be inclined to dose daily rather than every other day. It is important to try to keep the blood benzel level as smooth as possible and inconsistent dosing could disrupt this and can in fact create problems such as interdose withdrawal symptoms which basically means that withdrawal effects can be experienced between doses.


You'll be given plenty of support and tapering assistance here as you continue to taper. I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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Thank you all. Your kind words of encouragement bring tears to my eyes.


I have been doing every other day as a nurse friend of mine had suggested this. However the withdrawal symptoms in between have largely increase. Symptoms from insomnia and feeling faint to excruciating headaches and feeling like I am being choked, just to name a few. I did get a few hours of sleep last night and have not experienced any headaches today. Feeling week and experiencing shallow breathing today. I am keeping myself full of food and hydrated as I am underweight. I have 7.75mg @ 1mg tablets left to taper with. I currently do not have a psychiatrist helping me with this process. In fact, I cannot find one in my area for the life of me. With my insurance and my intent to stop the medication it seems near impossible.

I have viewed the Ashton manual, but unfortunately it is not helping me at this time with my specific situation.

Is there someone that could suggest to me the safest method of tapering from the medication I have left?

I was getting prescribed .5 tablets but since I no longer have a doc, I am working with what I have. Things get more complicated working with the 1mg tablets.

My nurse friend is currently in the works trying to find me a medical professional who knows how and is willing to help, no word as of yet.

Thank you all so very much! I have never had support quite like this before.  :-[:D:smitten:



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