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Not a great day


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This is not a great day. I am shaking, hyperventilating , and having electrical shocks in my left leg. I'm 5 months out after cold turkey of klonipin . Any words of wisdom?
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Sorry you're feeling so lousy!  I guess my advice is the basic on this board--hang in there, it'll get better.


Do you have any super soothing spa type music?  Early in withdrawal I found that very helpful and for a long time it was all I could listen to.  play it for yourself as you would for somebody else you loved a lot and wanted to comfort.  I think this is what people mean here when they say "take care of yourself."  You really have to show yourself kindness and sympathy and don't be beating yourself up for not healing faster.  What you are doing is a great challenge and you are very brave to be undertaking it. :smitten:

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i remember my 5th or 6th  month oh man it was rough. at the same time i made it through and so many on here have. what i did (after the rocking back and forth somewhat subsidied) would make my bed the most comfy and watch youtube videos just to learn interesting information about everything.....lol i watched a lot of conspiracy stuff. not sure why i picked that to watch as it made me a little paranoid but it took my mind off things.  watch what you like. lol it wasn't the best time but i made it through. i know this is so hard but you will find you're starting to feel better and the process of getting off this crap will change into something different. hang in there and drink lots of water. i got pretty dehydrated through those months because i found it hard to take care of myself.  water will make you feel a little better for obvious reasons. I'm so sorry you are going through this. big hug!!!
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I had that for 2 weeks straight just recently. It's one of the worst things I feel. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I found for me if I could eat some protein like tuna or sardines I would feel better. Actually it made me worse for about an hour and then I felt better for a little bit. I know it's weird but that's what helped me. If I couldn't eat which the first week I couldnt, I just drank gatoraid and ate tigers milk protein bars. I hope it passes soon. Hang in there
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