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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

6 weeks off and in PAIN


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The gas pains and stomach pressure are horrible!!!! 


I also find myself shaking for no apparent reason....especially when trying to sleep.


Hoping this gets better soon...


moto joe

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Dude, I had my worst time during all of this beginning at week 6.  It hadn't been that bad up until then.  It only lasted for 2 weeks though and now I'm doing much better at 13 weeks out.  Ride it out, it is only temporary!  Good Luck BUDDY!
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I started with gas pain and bloating BEFORE benzos, which is what got me put ON benzos....so I do have some concern that this is one of those symptoms that won't go away...but, so far, the only constant has been change...3 weeks ago, the migraines/headaches/facial/neck tension was the worst.  What a crazy ride...


Anyone find any benefit from using ginger tea, peppermint tea, heck even good ol' Gas X?


If it's temporary, I can ride it out...the pain is the worst in the right side of my ribs.


And as for the shaking...I have no idea what to make of that.  Last night I also felt like each and every muscle in my body took a turn having a spasm....kept me awake for awhile.


Sorry to whine.  It just all sucks, as everyone here knows.


On a positive note, dizziness and cog-fog has gone away.  In general, I think I am better than when I was still on the clonazepam.


Just trying to figure out what to do about the stomach issues and shaking....if anything....


moto joe



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I could have written your post. I have those exact things. I think the shaking first thing in the morning is the cortisol causing our anxiety to ramp up. I know I feel better as far as the shaking when I get up and move around burning off some of that cortisol. I hate it. No shaking I can see on the outside, just feel like an earthquake inside my body. And the gas pains...the worst! I haven't tried anything for them, I just try to deal with them when they come. I am 3 weeks off today. I hope these things get better for both of us soon!
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Thank you, I will definitely check it out!




I know, it sucks.  The severity of my symptoms COULD be worse....but, it's the fact that it feels unrelenting.  Everyday, most hours, my stomach either hurts or I have gas pressure, etc...  If it would just ease off to only being every few days, that would help tremendously!


And the shakes are weird...I get them when I am first drifting off to sleep, they wake me back up, as if my body is sort of winding down...never had this before benzos though.  But, sometimes I feel them during the day too....sort of like a low blood sugar thing, but I know its not that.  They seem like two different sorts of shakes....the night time ones more internal and the daytime ones kind of lightly external.  I've seen a neurologist and he doesn't seem too concerned (easy for him to say!).


Yes, I hope we both continue to heal!!!


moto joe



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I have the exact same thing. Shaking day and night. I don't have them everyday but went through a time when I did. They will get better and be farther apart. But I will have chunks of days when its everyday. Its funny because I was going to say it felt like low blood sugar. That is exactly how it feels. But once I understood it was withdrawal, I didn't let it freak me out so much. Sounds like we are on a similar symptom path. Let me know if you need to talk or vent. We can do this together! :)

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