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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Joining benzo buddies for the support, information and knowledge.  Been on benzos - different types on and off since 2008; Klonopin since 2010.  Quit CT 7 months ago.  Was going to taper, but was not able to do that. My doc was not helpful in any of the process.
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Hi mountainman66  :) Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


Congrats on being benzodiazepine free. I, too, did a cold turkey a year ago. This is a great place for support. The collective wisdom of our members is enormous.


You might like to check out The Ashton Manual it is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. 


Please feel free to post to any of the dedicated boards, we have a wonderful community of people here, who will give sound advice. Members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal and are more than willing to share their experiences.


Members discuss their symptoms on the Post withdrawal recovery support.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again Welcome!  :smitten:




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I have been 7 months off of Klonopin (2 mg per day for the last 3 years at least) with every bad symptom listed.  Also came off Hydrocodone at the same time. My anxiety seems to be off the wall, I feel like I'm worse each day. Don't really seem to get any windows of better.  Have been thinking lately that I should try a small dose of  Valium as earlier in my life I didn't seem to have trouble when I quit taking it. I need suggestions.  Would that make matters worse.  I just feel like I can't take this any more.  Have also heard that A2x may be helpful with the anxiety that I feel.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi mountainman. I would recommend against taking Valium or any other benzos at this time. While I haven't experienced this, a lot of members talk about going on a benzo again after being off and experiencing really awful side effects, especially when they try to quit the new benzodiazepine. The brain and body are extra sensitive to benzos and other GABA antagonists after the first time, especially when cold turkeying. Seven months off is really good and you don't want to set yourself back by repeating the process.


There's a forum here where you can get advice on other medication that could be helpful for the withdrawal process though: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?board=60.0


There's also a forum specifically for anxiety: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?board=58.0

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I have been 7 months off of Klonopin (2 mg per day for the last 3 years at least) with every bad symptom listed.  Also came off Hydrocodone at the same time. My anxiety seems to be off the wall, I feel like I'm worse each day. Don't really seem to get any windows of better.  Have been thinking lately that I should try a small dose of  Valium as earlier in my life I didn't seem to have trouble when I quit taking it. I need suggestions.  Would that make matters worse.  I just feel like I can't take this any more.  Have also heard that A2x may be helpful with the anxiety that I feel.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Hi mountain.....not all people read the introduction board. It is kind of meant as a staring point for our new members. I think you will get  a better number of response if you post on the post withdrawal board. I personally would not take any valium. Even a small dose as a small dose can easily turn into more small doses. You would probably be surprised how quickly you would reach tolerance. I am sorry you are feeling badly. It can sometime take up to a year to heal from a withdrawal. I don't think you would ever want to do the last 7months all over again. You have come so far.

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Hi Mountainman thats a cool name you have i like it !!  :thumbsup:

i found some really good help here from other members & staff here when i joined a year ago i took a low dose of xanax i was successfull quitting that 3 months ago i gradually reduced my dose to 0.0625mg i wish i could be more helpfull im not very knowledgeable in cold turkey quitting i just know that activating & light exercises helped me have windows for hours when i felt my worst the first 2 weeks. even in the evnings when i felt my worst i just simply went for a 5 minute walk on my treadmill it cleared up for quite awhile ! you can jus walk around inside your home if you dont have a treadmill. wearing sunglases indoors heped me since i felt very sensitive to lights for awhile coming from tv , computer & light bulbs  after quitting theres a support group here on this webpage for ppl that quit cold turkey , staff are very helpfull im very gratefull for them helping me i drink a cup of chamomille tea in the evenings every supermarket has that in the area where coffee is here its just $1 for 20 tea bags

i really hope this helped me . it clears up with time i advise that you try to avoid excess sugar when possible for me it triggers my yucky withdrawals i cant eat 3 donuts for breakfast anymore like i used to like to :( i dont drink soda either

god bless you mountain man and again welcome here !

Katie (babyangel)

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