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Temazepam Taper


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Can anyone help me with an easy titration of 30 mg Temazepam capsules?  I am trying to start by splitting my dose between morning and night because I am having a terrible time from noon until 5 pm I am a total wreck.  For now I am going to do 20 mg at night and 10 mg in the morning.  Then I will start tapering starting next week.  Looking forward to the help.



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The first thing I would do is to split up your dose even more and even it out.  Can you do 10mg every eight hours?  Temazepam is short acting so you may benefit quite a bit by doing this.


As for tapering, generally the idea is to cut small, go slow, and not allow symptoms to emerge.

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I would be willing to try that I just need an easy way to split the capsule.  The recipe I have now is more labor intensive than my brain can handle right now  :sick:
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I'm not at all familiar with capsules.  Can they be opened?  What happens when they are put in water?


Using liquids is a good way to accurately divide and dose drugs.  Another way is to weigh them on a scale.  But like I said, I have never worked with capsules so I am unfamiliar.  I am also unsure what liquid to use to dissolve temazepam.


I'm not sure I know of anyone tapering temazepam.  Most T people cross to Valium.

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