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Xanex taper


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I take half of a .25 Xanex once in the morning and once at nite. (not everyday)  Just recently. Anxiety, and insomnia have been bad.  Does Xanex cause insomnia?  Should I just split it into a quarter until I see my Psyche Dr. and get professional advice?  Should I just stop it cold turkey?  (she's not the doc who prescribed it.  M.D. did)  Th only other thing I'm on....I just started Efexor a week ago 37.5  at nit.  Will double it tomorrow.  Sorry for so many questions.  I want this out of my life!!


Blessings,  AngelC


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Xanax shouldn't cause insomnia, it's a depressant not a stimulant. If you've gotten use to the drug however then it causes rebound insomnia worse than before.


Cold Turkey isn't recommended for most people. Depends on how long you've been taking it and what dosage. I wouldn't want any adverse symptoms to happen on my behalf! That decision is ultimately up to you!

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