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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Question for the Moms out there


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Hi Mamas! For those of you with young kids or kids at home, do you find through WD that you worry excessively about your kids health, happiness and well being? I'm so illogically filled with dread and fear over my own health and situation that I find Im beginning to project that on to my kids. I seem to worry about every little sniffle, cut, poor appetite or moody moment. Over the last couple months I've let crazy worry set in that my kids are going to end up or already have some chronic illness and are going to be sick or unhappy in life. I'm sure it is the WD but just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this type of worry. Thanks!
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Yes - I worry quite a bit but I try to occupy my thoughts by getting involved with some sort of project.  It buys me time to move through my day and hopefully bringing me one more day closer to feeling well and whole again. 
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I think I find myself worrying because I have always been and continue to be the one that takes care of everyone else. So, not being "well" is a little scary to me. Though at the same time, gives me huge motivation to make sure I do heal!
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I am with you 100%....I even worry, irrationally, about common colds. I think it's natural for us to worry about what's most important to us, especially in the hyper-vigilant state of withdrawal. My fears are not fact based but a gross distortion of my imagination. I have to use a lot if positive self-talk  :idiot:


We have a parenting support thread.....it's under support groups and is called Mom's Cafe. Feel free to come over there and introduce yourself  :)

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Yes I do tend to worry about my daughter.  When I was going through the worst of withdrawal a few months ago,  I was a nervous wreck about her wellbeing and I felt I was failing as a mum. Since I have come further along , I don't doubt myself so much. Again I say what I have read here a lot , its the 'benzo lies'.  The horrible way those drugs make us feel or not feel.


Under the circumstances , you are doing the best you possibly can on this day.

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Thanks. Good to know I'm not alone. Some days I feel like everyone is falling apart and I'm afraid I can't be there to make it s better! I will check out the parenting forum. Thanks
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