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GI and yellow stool 5 month off ?


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Hi everybody, sorry for my English i'm french,


Just hit 5 month off, and Gi began a few weeks ago. Very Noisy intestin and stomach, bloatting, yellow stool like i don't retain the fat in foods ?


12 kilos weight loss since january 2014 and can't regain it. I difficult eat 1500 calories per day and when i try to put a good diet with 2000 calorie my stomach just can't follow. All go to the toilet with yellow stool and nausea and symptoms flare up


I try a gluten and dairy free diet witch don't seem to help this


Don't realy know why i have that only 5 month off ? It is because i have eliminated all benzo in my body and the gut receptor ar trying to balance ?

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Wow I thought I was the only one who got yellow stools! I thought it was from my fatty liver. It started happening to me around the 5 month mark as well. Here I am at 15 months and it's the same. My liver function is normal now but I still have the yellow stools. I also have smelly urine and it seems concentrated and yellow all time even when I drink tons of water. Get your liver tested just yo make sure it's not that. It's a blood test.
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i have it tested a few month ago my billuribine was high but it was not worrying my doc, so i think it's withdrawal but it sucks


Do you also are scared of food ? I'm freaking out to everything i put in my mouth since that, preoccuped by gluten/lactose intolerance but can't stay in this diet more than a few days because i continue to loose weight and don't have enought calories.


Do you try this diet !?

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If your bilirubin is high that's probably what's causing it. That is one of the causes of yellow or pale stools. The only thing high on me was my alt. It was 22 points high only but an ultrasound showed fatty liver. I always thought my yellow stools were caused by my liver because I took depakote. That is what gave me a fatty liver. I haven't used it in in 6 months and it's taking a long time to get back to normal. Hopefully I didn't do anything permanent.


My liver doctor told me to watch, sugar the bitter truth. It's on youtube. He said to eat no grains, sugar or dairy. Mostly vegetables, meats and water. He said low carb paleo is the best but it sure is hard to follow since I have quite the sugar addiction!

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it's clearly sucks, only vegetaebles and meats, can't gain any weight on this type of diet lol


i'm eating 200-300gr of rice per meal tu have enought calories, how can you gain weight without carb, with only meats and vegetaebles ?

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I add in some fruits. Eating fatty cuts of steak helps. Don't worry the fat isn't bad for you. I used to buy Angus patties and each one had 280 calories. Eat a few of those a day. Olive oil on salads, different nuts for snacks add calories. It's not easy and kind of expensive but it can be done. Grains and simple sugars really screw us up. Throws your hormones and metabolism out of whack. Maybe some rice a few times a week is ok? I can't talk much cause I still eat junk food daily. Not like I used to though.
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I just read that yellow stool is a sign of malabsorption so a disease of the liver and guess what ? Coeliac issue has an important part in this.


I also read many people here who stop gluten and felt so much better, do you consider gluten to be the cause of your fatty liver and proctated syndrome ?


Malabsorption doesn't give to our body the essential nutriments to heal, man you have to give a try to gluten free diet, me too clearly !


I notice that a few days after beeing strict gluten/dairy free my stool become normal, and then i go back to gluten because i think i'm good but it's a vicious circle

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I have always had problems with grains especially wheat products. I don't have celiac but I'm sensitive. The give me heartburn and gastritis. I haven't had gluten in months but my stool is still yellow. Bananas and apples are high in carbs but eating those instead of rice is better. I still eat dairy but not too much. I have a casein allergy. If getting rid of gluten and dairy helps u just stick with that. Sounds like u found what works for u.
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I have celiac disease. I can't eat gluten or it attacks my small intestine, as well as many other areas of my body.


See your doctor and as for the IGG and IGA anti-body tests to see if you're celiac.


You'll need to follow gluten free for life. Can take a year to heal your gut.


Hard part is transitioning over and also finding the hidden gluten sources.


I eat about 4 banana's a day. That's 110g carbs = aka 440 calories right there. Add a dollop of peanut butter, another 100 something calories. That's 550 one meal!


Potatoe's !!! Tons of carbs, fiber, potassium. Throw 'em in the microwave for 5 minutes, throw some butter on it and maybe some salt. You've got a meal!


Beans! Chick peas, black beans, kindney beans, lentils. Throw them in rice.


Corn/Rice pasta. Available at most supermarkets.


Chips! I ate half a bag of New York cheddar Kettle chips that or GMO free and Gluten free! That's 1000 calories there!


For carbs ... Potato, Sweet potato, Beans, Rice, Corn tortilla's ... and for cereal ... Chex (rice based).


Watch out for salad dressings, terykai sauce, soy sauce, hotdogs, sausage, basically any canned soup unless stated gluten free. Beer is barley, it's gluten in a can.


This is assuming it's not something else causing it. See a doctor for proper diagnosis!!!

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thanks for the reply westcoast, yes it's more easy than i thought to have the 2000 calories


Can a génital eczema be cause by gluten allergy ? i have this since years and never calm down, i'm wonderring if it also can be related  :o


Cool35 you said you eat daily Junk food, doesn't have gluten on it wich can cause you to react with stool ?

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Is it really itchy after eating ?


I use to get something called the 'gluten rash', after I ate anything wheat I couldn't stop itching for an hour. After I stopped gluten, only 1-month in, I have never itched and my rash has gone.


Yes, gluten allergy doesn't just cause an intestinal issue. It causes tons of issues.


Here's a list of some things ...


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Oh yes it itch a lot , i itch to the blood and skin is very inflammed, testicular, perineal and anal aréa. It's only in that area, don't have this in other part of the body


It's sometime after eating, sometimes not, it's more itching on the night when i'm in bed, may be it's because my bed is hot


I in fact have lot of symptoms of cealiac since i'm Young. Intestinal polypes when i was 16 years old, chronic sinus inflammation, some weird psychological symptome, anxiety, shy etc wich i thought was my personnality, and by the time i Wonder if all of this is not gluten related


You say 1 month to see a huge difference ? i never sucess to stay on the diet more than 1 week lol always give up before because of craving and weight loss related when i stop gluten

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My stomach cleared up in a week after being off it. When I say junk food it's a little ice cream or yogurt. It's sugar, which by the way I'm not supposed to have due to inflammation, fatty liver and blood sugar going up. Not diabetic but getting there. I was told to avoid dairy, egg whites and anything from the nightshade family. If I drink milk I get gastritis. Just to let you know grains have a higher glycemic index than table sugar. Not only are u getting the gluten you are getting a huge sugar boost. I think I remember reading eczema can be caused by gluten but also by a poor diet in general.
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You may want to get a blood test from your doctor too see if it shows up positive. It's a very underdiagnosed issue. Even when I was diagnosed I still didn't take it seriously and it took years to change my food habits so I could avoid the stuff.


It definitely impacts the brain and causes brain fog, heightened anxiety and other mental illnesses. The anti-bodies attack different parts of the body in different people. It's also not the initial symptoms that are so bad, it's 10 years down the line when people find themselves diagnosed with diabetes because the anti-bodies had been attacking their pancreas the whole time. Or another person that get's arthritis because it was attacking the joints. Even MS and Parkisons have a link to celiac.


Once the severity and potential consequences hit home, I decided I needed to make radical changes. I didn't want to have unexplained fatigue all the time anyway!

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I already had a biopsy of the stomach a few years ago, had 2 colonoscopy in my last 10 years and they didn't notice nothing.


I read that some test doesn't realy reveal an allergy but only a big intolerance


Is it possible to react for a small portion during a few days ? for example i reduce considerably gluten during the last week and my stool began to be more normal, then i eat some pasta and some bread. It's been 4 days in a row that my stool began again very yellow, instead i don't eat any gluten during the last 3 days


It wasen't like that the past month, i eat some gluten for weeks daily and my stools were not as bad as now, realy don't understand i'm scared to eat anything don't know if it's benzo related or if i became extremely cealiac in only some weeks ?

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