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How much does time on drug affect tapering schedule?


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I'm interested in peoples experience. I was on a large dose for a long time. There must be large variations in response. It almost seems like time on drug doesn't matter for some. They are dependent at weeks and not years. It's confusing and discouraging. Good luck to all.


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I think it's more to do with your sensitivity to the drug rather than the time of use. Some people on BB were only taking it for a matter of weeks before they tried to taper and ended up in trouble, and had to do a slow taper. On the other hand there have been plenty of stories on BB of people who know someone who took a benzo for a long time and tapered off really quickly with no problems.


I used valium continuously for only about 3-4 months before I tried to taper and I couldn't. I kept trying for about the next 6 months and was becoming totally suicidal. Fortunately I found BB and learned how to do a slow daily taper, but it still took me another 22 months.

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