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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Intrusive images?


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I constantly have like images running thru my head, i've even had a period where i saw my own face vividly. Are intrusive images common? It's like i'm surprised i am even functioning while i somehow be in reality while having constant images.
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Yes, intrusive thoughts and images, which are often morbid or frightening in some way, are common in withdrawal.  I had them, but they went away once I was out of acute withdrawal.  It's good that you can function through this.  I wrote this a few weeks ago:


When I was in acute withdrawal, I was suffering from dreadful physical and mental symptoms.  I truly felt I was going insane, and was at a low point I'd never imagined before in my life even though I'd had plenty of experience with anxiety and depression.  When I started to have intrusive morbid thoughts I couldn't control, I knew I had to do something, and "distraction" is what came to me.  I don't mean the kind of distraction that one only does "if they feel like it."  I somehow knew I HAD to do this, and to keep doing it until I got through the acute stage. So, I distracted myself relentlessly and obsessively, using whatever worked in the moment and then switching to something else as soon as the previous thing stopped working.  I used my very obsessiveness to do this. It was a stream of consciousness thing where I made use of whatever popped into my head (there was no preplanning of what to do next).  I distracted myself this way over and over until it became a habit.  It was my main "job" every day, and it was serious business.  Interestingly, it wasn't long before I actually started looking forward to my favorite distractions!  I kept doing this for many months, and in time my symptoms began to fall away one by one.  It was a long process, one day at a time, and there was no knowing how things would eventually turn out.  But I just kept on doing this, moment by moment, day by day, and eventually at about 20 months off I healed.



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I'm about 3 or 4 months out and i still have the intrusive images.

I don't know if withdrawal made my depersonalization disorder worse tho because i had it before even taking klonopin.

Blacking out every 5 seconds, intrusive images, out of body experiences, time perception messed up, ZERO thoughts, feeling like i've never been alive before, old memories feel like that wasn't me, watching movies and then after it i will feel like i am in the movie, watched this one Predestination (good movie) where they went back in time and stuff and i actually felt like i was back to an old self of myself or something and time was messed up with the order of what i was doing and a bunch of other weird stuff.

I didn't have it anymore as bad and i took the klonopin and it seems that it brought it back.

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