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irritability anxiety and K


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Each day at 2pm I take My once daily dose of k now around 2/3rd of a 0.25mg tablet. My main W/D symptom is irritability  , nervousness throughout My body. Feels like My entire nervous system has been rampt up. Im not talking emotional anxiety worrying etc Im talking about actual physical sensations that are way up there.


I dont know if the medication itself that causes this or the underlying problems including past sleep deprivation , lost sleep that I never caught up on. Im trying to taper off however wondering if anyone else feels that the drug itself causes this heightend sensation throughout their nervous system especially when the dose is wearing off ! It seems to be getting worse each day , is it just me  or do other folks feel these same sensations ?

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Yes, this is the problem Johnny,

Please take time to look at the Ashton Manual for good taper schedules. Most people taper way too fast, which can make the symptoms awful. Explore this BB website too. You owe it to yourself to know what you may be in for...knowledge can be power.



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Each day at 2pm I take My once daily dose of k now around 2/3rd of a 0.25mg tablet. My main W/D symptom is irritability  , nervousness throughout My body. Feels like My entire nervous system has been rampt up. Im not talking emotional anxiety worrying etc Im talking about actual physical sensations that are way up there.


I dont know if the medication itself that causes this or the underlying problems including past sleep deprivation , lost sleep that I never caught up on. Im trying to taper off however wondering if anyone else feels that the drug itself causes this heightend sensation throughout their nervous system especially when the dose is wearing off ! It seems to be getting worse each day , is it just me  or do other folks feel these same sensations ?


You have made a 33% cut in your dosage over 6 days! At this rate, you will have no respite from intense symptoms. It's no wonder you feel the way you do. A smaller cut, between 5-10%, every 7-14 days is a more advisable way to go when dry cut tapering. Yet, having said that, my Pdoc had me cutting 20% initially every week from a higher dose, and I got through a few weeks but it was NOT GOOD. I recently switched to daily tapering, but I measure my pills exactly. Slicing tiny slivers without precise measuring is quite inaccurate. You would be well advised to get a .001 mg scale or do liquid titration. You need a better plan.

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