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if your rapid tapering by feel.... how long before you made your next cut?


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klonopin, almost 6 weeks total usage. .25mg for the most part


Im day 4 after my last cut and feel pretty good. 


last 3 days sucked, but I made a pretty big cut 4 days ago.  about 35%


Part of me doesn't want to rush it and sit here for a few days at this dose (approx .17mg) to give yourself a break and get some sleep. 


But part of me says keep going if you can stand it - get off this drug asap.


So my question, to anyone that has tapered by feel, or rapid tapered.  Did you give yourself breaks, or did you push on through to the end?

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In the worst of times it took me 90 days to stabilized after a cut. In the best of times it took me 1 week and I never even felt the cut so I cut again and again.


Tapering by "feel"  means =  TAPERING BY FEEL, period!  That journey could take many years and maybe it should for some of us.


Pushing forward into hell faster will not make you heal quicker.  Gaba up regulation goes at its own speed and that's typically very SLOW.

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I am not an expert, but I can share with you my little experience. As you can see in my signature I did an accelerated taper at the begining, if I were in your case,  I would give myself a break, the number of days depending on your sympoms, for example you know now that at day 4 you feel pretty good, so I would enjoy 3 days, maybe 2 if I continue feeling very good,  then I would cut by half, hold for a few days and 2 or three days after feeling good again, I would jump.

I hope some experts write in here soon. I am kind of a rushing person with myself since very soon after feeling good, I start to feel bad again, perhaps due to the tolerance withdrawal I had before knowing it.

I wish you the best! :)

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It's best to take breaks. Do a drop, let your nervous system do it's repair, stabalize, get some rest, than do another drop.


I was dropping to fast and not letting my nervous system keep up. Eventually your nervous system starts calling from behind 'Hey, wait for me!'


6-weeks of use, you might be able to do a faster taper. My nervous system won't let me, 'tis fried!

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