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Can those who've done a Daily Titration shaving pills step forward?


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As some may or may not know, I'm going to be in a holding pattern for a while until I'm stable enough to cut and/or I realize that I'm as stable as I can get.


My question, and I'm not sure if this is the best place for these people to see, is, are there people who I can look to who've done a daily pill shaving taper all the way off successfully?


I look to Diaza-pam as great hope for me going forward, and I'd love to make the last 2/3rds of my taper less hell and more tolerable... I don't care how long it takes.


Thanks guys. I appreciate it.



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Not off yet but am at about .21 mg K twice daily, cutting and shaving off .001g to .002 g per day. So far, so good. If the scale wavers a bit, I take the lower number. Did a mass cutting of halves that were then shaved into estimated amounts, put in pill containers. With daily cutting I'm finding it easier to tolerate symptoms to a point that I just keep moving forward. I may need to hold around Christmas but that's a female cycle issue which majorly effects my taper—not something you have to worry about. Any of this help?



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Yes, that video was got me started. Very good.


I have improvised a bit. I use the pill cutter to roughly half the pill. Then I actually cut more off using  a razor that's in a window scraper, on the cushiony pill cutter platform so pills and bits don't fly everywhere (thank god I don't have a dog). If I need to shave, I do it over paper and toss the shavings. But if I have little shards, I keep them in separate sealed container (don't leave in cutter cuz it'll absorb moisture), in case I cut a pill too much and need to add back. It has made a difference if the forced air heat is on or off, if the table isn't level, if the lid is open or closed, if someone walks into a room. This is why I try to do a bunch of pills at once so it doesn't become a freaking ritual.


Good luck, amigo! It can be done.

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This thread has put my mind VERY much as ease. I appreciate it Bennie.


I also keep the little shards, and had been worrying about drug breakdown if they are cut, little differences in weight amongst pills, etc... and you really made a difference for me. Thank you.  :smitten:

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