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Dry mouth, insomnia, tremors - feedback


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Hi all,


I am two months and two weeks out. For 5 days straight, I had horrible sleep (4 hours at the most), waking up with dry mouth every day. Sunday to Monday night, I had tremors the entire night and day. For the rest of the week, tremors for half a day. GI is going nuts.


Intrusive thoughts coming and going. The sleep deprivation is really getting to me at this point, very hard to function. I have no had more than 5 hrs of sleep since my jump. And I am not entirely sure, but I may have had an audio distortion in the morning (either that or my dog was yawning very loudly).


I have never had intrusive thoughts or audio distortions prior to w/d.


What is going on here? I am very concerned. 



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Long, you sound like me! I have the dry mouth, tremor, the thoughts and some recent sleep issues too! Oh and appetite is not there along with nausea. I'm at 8 weeks. I'm sure it is all normal. Our body is busy working on healing in other areas so we experience symptoms in areas that the brain is not fully supporting...temporarily. I think worry also contributes. Think positive and know you are healing!
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Misery loves company. Thanks for writing back. I think we are just being flushed with excess glutamate right now with no GABA to regulate. Hang in there!!!

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