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At one point i was so tired of tapering mentally and physically I held for 3 months. Later on, I  jumped and it was a disaster so I went back onto a low dose and held for 4 months. I am so glad I did. I would say it helped not hurt me. No tolerance w/d.
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Thanks.  That's good to know.  Sometimes when there is a lot of stress going on, it makes tapering harder and it's good if a person can take a break without worrying about going into tolerance.  Congratulations on finally completing your taper!
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I constantly held. I never had a set schedule. I let my body dictate when I should cut again. This is what my benzo w/d doctor advised me to do at all times. Let my body decide. Be gentle and kind to yourself. There is no rush. You are constantly healing. I would imagine that if you have not had tolerance w/d by now you will most likely not get it. I never did. Not everyone does. far from it. I have zero regrets even if it too me longer than most. But you now what? My post is quite manageable. So instead of cutting fast . being mentally and physically drained and jumping and then suffering for another year post ,  ..I went slower, was less miserable, very functional. With a tolerable post. It probably works out to the same amount of time doing it either way, but I was and am functional. I am far from healed, but I am functional. I went back to college during my w/d, am doing an internship now and socialize and do normal things. I just don;t see the point of pushing ourselves to the point of exhaustion just to jump. I wanted to function throughout my taper not be house bound like i was in the beginning.That was a nightmare. Follow your body  :smitten:



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I think I may be a lot different from you.  I have always had bad anxiety and lack of motivation and melancholy.  My anxiety held me back from many things in life because I couldn't stand hardly any stress without falling apart.  This has worsened over the years with many stressful events that others may have bounced back from but sent me into an anxious tailspin, not to mention menopause, etc..  I find it difficult to even be in the same room with people a lot of times and spend most of my time in the bedroom, just trying to get through the day without losing my mind.  I never used to be this bad.  I am sure I have gotten much worse since being on and off so many meds but I have always been very anxious and fearful and introverted.  I feel like I have no life and don't even feel relaxed in my own home.  I find it difficult to even have a shower or go to the store.  I felt the same way even before I started tapering except my anxiety is a bit worse now and more 24/7.  It used to be much better in the evenings.  I can't imagine how I would feel if I did a cold turkey.😱
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