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Since i have had so much trouble tapering from Seroquel, i have Unfortunately taken rescue dose almost every day. I am i Thailand on holiday, and i didn't want to ruin my holiday for my friend. Now i am wondering how much trouble i will have to try and stabilize on 17.5 mg. Valium, which i was on before i started to mest things up. Any thoughts anyone?
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Oh dear. Are you still doing those constant rescue doses? I thought you had made a commitment to not do that anymore. You really need to pick a dose and stick to it, even if that means increasing your dose.


I honestly can't hazard a guess on how long it will take you to stabilise because your doses have been all over the place. You need to definitely stop these rescue doses. You will never be able to commit to a proper tapering plan while you keep messing around with your doses.

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You are right. I was doing fine for a month until my doctor messed up things with Seroquel and Neurontin. Do you think i can stop Neurontin with not too many problems after using it just a month?
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